
Chapter 1099 Events Before The Act- 2

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 2:49

Location- Sky blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

Not only had all three of the boy's last clones dissipated but his golden-grade grimoire was found in the tunnels of the city sewers.

Hearing the news from their spies Anna and Ann both had different reactions Ann was devastated but Anna was not she seemed to be taking the news quite well. This puzzled Ann and she could not help but wonder if the news of the boy's death broke Anna, just thinking that Ann felt a chill down her spine. So suppressing her grief over the late lover of hers she cautiously checked on Anna telepathically, 'Anna you fine?'

'I am fine, why wouldn't I be,' Anna telepathically replied to her twin. Her mental state sounded to be fine, it seems the news of the boy's death did not hit her as badly as Ann thought it had.

Ann did not expect Anna to react so calmly to the boy's death but remembering Anna's reaction to the death of their pet pixie dragon Chum-Chum, Ann thought this was just the calm before the storm.

'Anna, I know you're not the grieving type but it's okay. After all, Wyatt is the first guy you ever loved,' Ann telepathically consoles Anna in concern that the longer it took Anna to accept her loss and grieve, the bigger her outburst will be.

'What fuck are you saying? Wyatt isn't dead,' Anna instantly refuted Ann.

Seeing Anna deny the fact that the boy was dead, Ann's worries increased feeling that Anna was still in the denial stage of grief, which meant it was about time she had the southern watch evacuate the sky blossom city. Ann did not want the innocent citizens to be the victims of Anna's outburst.

Ann was about to quietly relay the city-wide evacuation orders to the southern watch, Anna looked at her and said, 'Look at you, you did not even mourn for his death, quickly hopped to micromanage me. And you dare to say that you love him.'

'What?' Ann was confused then soon guessed that there was a reason why Anna acted calmly to the news of the boy's death and asked, 'Tell me, or should I just access your thoughts.'

'Wyatt is not dead,' Anna finally let her twin in on her secret.

'Are you in denial or do you have reason to believe that?' Ann did not instantly take Anna's words for it as the chances of Anna still being in denial were not small.

'Despite all this news of his death, Wyatt is still wearing the ring I gave him,' Anna said smugly.

'That's it? Clearly, you are still in denial, I am the fool for thinking that you were onto something,' Ann shook her head in disappointment and decided to begin the evacuation but then she paused remembering that there wasn't a corpse at the crime scene after the boy was assassinated. If there was no corpse then who was wearing the ring?

'Yes, you are a fool, I won't fight you on that. Do you remember the last time Wyatt removed the ring and stored it in his storage card but once the semi-demigods captured his clones, he put it back on? It shows that he has a trick up his sleeve to hide from the enemy, though I am not sure how he can escape the keen senses of the semi-demigods, as long as he is alive and healthy I have no questions,' For Anna, the fact that the boy was still wearing her ring was enough confirmation that he was not dead, unlike Ann she did not think too much into it. She was just happy that the boy was alive.

'Anna, is the ring still being worn by Wyatt?' Ann asked Anna for confirmation, she did not know if the boy removing and wearing the ring a few minutes ago was somehow connected to his survival but she was happy that he was not dead.

'Yes, he is. That son of a gun, he managed to fake his death for the second time, dropping an identical golden-grade grimoire was an excellent touch, don't you agree Ann?' Anna couldn't be more impressed by her crush. With the strength of a card soldier, he managed to fool a bunch of semi-demigods. Anna did not have words to describe how proud of her first love she was.

'A duplicate grimoire, impressive, even I am surprised how he managed to get his hands on a second golden-grade grimoire identical to his, if not for that despite how meticulous and ingenious his plan was he wouldn't have managed to fool the paw clan's assassins for the second time,' Ann was also full of praise and she felt that this much was expected from the guy she fell for.

Soaking in the new information Ann then immediately warned her twin telepathically, 'Anna, don't share the fact that Wyatt is alive with others, not even Asong. Since Wyatt has managed to fake his death for the second time, let's help keep it that way. I was worried about him attending the university with a target on his back but this solves it all.'

'Ann, stop making plans for Wyatt, you know he will not agree to something like that,' Anna had already been through with Lorenzo and Luna about using the boy's fake death as an opportunity to give him a new identity to get along with society. And it concluded with the boy growing wary of her. Now that the boy was slowly opening up and trusting her she did not want to ruin all that by opening this can of worms again.

Ann was not a stranger to what Anna was talking about, she knew the boy was strongly opposed to the idea of hiding his identity to attend the university but other than that she could not think of the safest possible way for him to attend the morningstar university. Ann felt for the safety of the boy it was worth bringing up this topic with him.