
Chapter 1100 Events Before The Act - 3

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 2:51

Location- Sky blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

Ann's heart was in the right place, even if what she was doing was out of care for the boy she loved, it did not change the fact that her thoughts were wrong. Even Anna realized this simple fact. Though Ann was the smart one of the two her world experience was not near Anna as she spent most of her life locked up in Anna's grimoire. When it comes to handling her emotions Ann was mature but a rookie at the same time. This may be it, but it would be foolish to believe that there was a right answer for every question.

'Ann, bury this matter here. Don't you bring it up with Wyatt, he is finally starting to show some initiative by taking me to dinners and kissing me, I don't want to go back to holding hands or me forcing myself on him again,' This was the slowest and longest Anna had ever been in a relationship but this was also the most faithful and devoted Anna had ever been towards her partner.

Anna finally understood what her uncle meant when he said that he was still single because he could not find a partner who could connect with him on an emotional level. Emotionally Anna never felt so infatuated as she was with the boy, in his presence she felt content. She felt that she could spend an eternity just looking at the boy with a silly grin on her face. For him she did not mind being a fool or an idiot. Alas it was hard not to feel pain when the same emotions were not reciprocated or answered to. Even though Anna said that she was willing to wait, there was no denying the pain she felt as she waited.

'Anna, how can you be so cool about Wyatt attending the university? Aren't you even a little bit worried that he would be assassinated in his sleep? We both know that the treaty between the universities and the various organizations does not apply as strictly to the students as to their families or organizations. Considering the shit you got away with during our time in the morningstar university, I will not be surprised if Wyatt is assassinated while he is taking a dump, that is when you are the most vulnerable,' Ann grew frantic thinking of the possible way's the boy could be assassinated in the central academic region.

'Ann, don't kid yourself, they would not be able to assassinate Wyatt while he is taking a dump in the university campus as they would assassinate him as soon as he leaves the southern region on his commute to the morningstar university, who is stopping them then? Heck, they did not mind sending assassins when I was protecting him. Once Wyatt leaves the southern region there is no telling what can happen to him,' Anna did not console her twin instead opened the can of crazy going in her mind and shared it with her.

'Stop trying to scare me Anna, I am being serious,' Ann now had more worries to worry about thanks to the courtesy of her twin.

'I am not trying to scare you, I too am being serious,' Anna was speaking the truth. She did not plan to scare Ann, she was just answering Ann that she too had the same worries about the boy attending the university in the central academic region away from the southern region.

'Then how are you so calm?' Ann was puzzled how Anna was able to walk past her worries.

'By, letting go.

Do you think I was okay with Wyatt leaving the sky blossom city after I learned Matron was after his life and would not stop at any cost? No, I was not, yet I let him do his thing and did my best to help him. I helped him to show that I supported his decisions and to put some of my worries to bed, but no matter what you do it would never be enough to erase the worry you feel. So, I learned to make peace with it as my worries were my problem and not Wyatt's.

Over the years I have learned that we shouldn't try to control the people we love, that way we would only be pushing them away. You have to make peace with who they are. It may sound easy or some kind of hippy crap to you but, it's hard to put it in action and even harder to realize it.

As for someone as uptight and controlling as you this will be even harder, but trust me this is the way to a healthy relationship, not manipulation,' Anna preached and most of what she said was genuinely from her heart.

'I would not have had a hard time taking your word for it if you had not asked me to send spies to spy on Wyatt's situation,' despite saying that Ann knew what Anna was suggesting was correct but she felt more comfortable with manipulation and thought that when your loved one was being self-destructive it was okay to be a little manipulative.

'Say what you will, but if you dare to ruin the good thing I got going with Wyatt, then I don't mind going against my promise and imprisoning you in my grimoire for the rest of eternity. I am not kidding, I am serious,' Anna was not willing to risk her progress with the boy just so that Ann could rest her nerves about him pursuing higher studies in the central academic region. Therefore she did not hesitate to threaten Ann.

'Making fake threats, really Anna, you and I both know you wouldn't do that. Just admit that a part of you also wants me to convince Wyatt,' Ann was a part of Anna. She knew Anna better than herself, so she knew the limit to Anna's tolerance. She had no problem testing them.