

eChapter 1152 Agent Uri Makes His Move

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 03:54

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, St. Raymond's Cemetery

There was a good reason for Agent Lois and Uri to feel that the course of action they prepared to execute will not be successful because amidst the bickering between the boy, the southern emperor, and the soldier queen, they learned that the boy was closer to the southern royal family than they imagined, and adding the fact that he was the finance of the southern emperor, it was clear if they continued with their previous plan in mind they would be setting themselves up to fail.

Even if they were to ignore the close relationship between the boy and the southern royal family, when it came between becoming an adopted son of a general from the central capital or becoming the prince consort of the southern region, the choice was obvious and a no-brainer. No matter from which angle they saw the possibility of demigod Baylor adopting the boy was very low. But without this, they had no other plan to get the boy on their side. With one single piece of news, their entire operation had now come to a halt. Agent Lois and Uri were now at their wit's end and did not know how to proceed. If it were up to them they would not hesitate to use desperate moves to complete the mission but it wasn't. They did not know how far the higher-ups were willing to offend the southern royal family for the item 'silver milk powder,' what was the bottom line? What was the highest price they were willing to pay?

While Agent Uri and Lois were having their crises, general Baylor was happy to see that Ellen's son was doing fine on his own. Yes, Soldier Queen was constraining the boy but if she really wanted to harm him she had many other fun ways. Like Agent Uri and Lois, General Baylor also assumed that the boy was close with the southern royal family and that the royal family also treated him kindly. But he had one big problem with this arrangement, Ellen's son's engagement to the southern emperor. He has not only heard of Anna's stories but also witnessed a few of them, she was very popular. So for anyone in a high position, it was hard to have not heard about Anna. He personally strongly felt that Anna was not worthy of Ellen's son. If not for Demigod Backster beating him to the punch, he would have objected to Ellen's son's marriage with Anna. But seeing how Colleen defended the marriage between her granddaughter and the boy despite appearing not to be approving of the boy, Baylor knew without approaching this properly he could not get the result he wanted. So, thinking of something he approached Agent Uri and Lois, 'Agent Lois, tell me you have plans to stop the marriage between the boy and the southern emperor?'

'That is something we too don't want to see happening but you have seen the soldier queen's stance when her subordinate said the same. If you have any brilliant idea tell me,' Agent Lois's thoughts were exactly the same as demigod Baylor but they were out of ideas.

'I can't guarantee this will work but get me some alone time with the boy. I will talk to him, he is just a teenager. I think if I played my cards right and used the southern emperor's party-loving character against her then maybe even if he doesn't decide to become my adopted son he will not be willing to marry into the southern royal family. Besides if he is really that desperate and lonely, the central capital doesn't lack young women,' Baylor explained. He said this not only because he did not approve of the southern emperor as Ellen's daughter-in-law but also because he did not want Agent Lois and Agent Uri to use desperate means to complete their mission. Because that would put Ellen's son in possible danger.

'Speak ill of the southern emperor's character and honey trap the boy. That's your plan General, damn you would make a good addition to tv's housewife reality show,' Agent Uri mocked Baylor's plan.

'Agent Uri, if you have nothing to add to the missions please shut the fuck up,' Agent Lois disagreed with Agent Uri, she felt that what demigod Baylor made sense. Their target was a horny teenager. As long as they have enough honey, maybe just maybe they could pull this mission off without turning to desperate means. But, will the southern royal family sit by and watch as they did this? Obviously not. However, she did not come here all the way to just give up at the first sign of a hurdle.

Resolute, Agent Lois looked at the three that bickered without bothering for their surroundings and company, cleared her throat at them, and said, "*Ahem* your highness, forgive my rudeness but we would like to question the accused Dalton Wyatt along with Dr. Luna Lorn."

Before Colleen could answer Agent Lois, Anna glared at her and yelled, "Who are you calling the accused you bitch?"

"Your Highness, southern emperor, please mind your tongue," Being called a bitch by Anna Agent Lois's right eye shone with radiance but it soon faded, clearly Agent Lois controlled herself from having an outburst.

"You…" Anna shouted preparing to put the unknown semi-demigod in her place but was interrupted by Ann who acted like a spectator this whole time.

As soon as Ann arrived she mentally contacted her grandmother to get up to speed about what was happening while monitoring the scene from the sidelines because she felt there was something fishy about the demigod, he did not speak once since their arrival, Agent Uri. It took her a while but she soon figured out why she felt something wrong about him, it was because he was like her, no, not entirely like her but somewhat similar to her. Then where is his original self? In hiding, why? Was this not just a simple investigation? Was there more to the story? Baffled Ann continued to monitor Agent Uri for answers but she saw him suddenly rush towards her grandma, Anna, and the boy, so interrupting Anna she yelled, "Grandma, Watch out."