

Suicidal FoolChapter 1151 Suicidal Fool

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 03:42

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, St. Raymond's Cemetery

All four of them looked at the boy with great astonishment, knowing Anna's reputation they did not know whether to consider him lucky or unlucky, therefore a combination of envious and petty filled gaze landed on the boy. Especially the visitors from the central capital took this as a sign that the boy had indeed invented the silver milk powder and the southern royal family was trying to keep the patent of the item for themselves by making the boy their son-in-law, considering that the boy was an orphan this was just too simple.

Neither of the three from the central capital seem to be surprised by the notion that the royal family would use their sole heir just to gain the complete patent of the item silver milk powder because the gain outweighed the loss by miles. The boy marrying the future ruler of the south was just right for erasing any debate about the boy starting his own family one day. And even if they were to divorce one day then the southern royal family would be in the complete right to fight for the patent rights of the item silver milk powder.

Therefore instead of questioning the morality of the southern royal family for using their only heir the visitor from the central capital commended them for their decisive and thorough planning. Had they not arrived today then the southern royal family would be the through and through winner here.

Since they were here they might as well play the part and object to the future ruler of the south marrying the future richest person in the world. But they were one step too late, somebody beat them to the punch, it was none other than demigod Backster, the demigod whose only known achievement so far was to date Anna for the longest period.

"No, he can't marry her highness southern emperor," demigod Backster blurted anxiously, surprising everyone. As the ex of Anna who still had strong feelings for her, Backster could not stand the thought of Anna rolling in another person's arms let alone marrying someone else. So he blurted out his inner thoughts out of turn. Out of turn? Yes, he was a demigod serving under the southern royal family but his status or authority was not high enough to interfere in the southern region affairs let alone the southern royal family affairs. Except for dating Anna, he did not have any notable achievements to show for his current position. If not for his useful card, he would not be stationed at the southern royal palace but at the southern front of the way beyond.

Feeling Colleen's stern gaze land on him, Backster realized his mistake, bowing his head he hurriedly apologized, "Forgive my insolence, your highness."

Soldier Queen Colleen snorted in response to Backster's apology and said, "Even if he is just a vulgar card soldier, respect the ring on his finger."

"Grandma!" Anna cried in complaint hearing her grandma speak demeaningly to the boy, choosing to ignore demigod Backster, mostly because she did not want to cause any unnecessary misunderstanding as she recently learned that her crush was not completely ok with her past.

"What? Were my words wrong?" Colleen asked her granddaughter but her gaze stayed on the boy. He still dared to have indecent thoughts toward her despite her repeated warnings. So to teach him a lesson she increased the force of her grip on the boy.

"Everybody has to die one day but if I were to die in your hands I have no complaints, maybe this is the way to heaven," I said feeling my head would pop if Colleen squeezed any harder. Thanks to my physique I did not have to worry even if that were to happen.

Still, I stuck to my act mostly to spite Anna's grandmother, I really did not like the way she looked at me. Those eyes remind me of my days back on earth when I was still figuring out life. I was not sure if she hated me purely because of Anna or if she really hated me. Intentionally or unintentionally whatever the reason maybe we have started on the wrong foot, blows have been exchanged now there was no going back.

The three visitors from the central capital looked at the boy as if they were looking at a suicidal fool, not only was the boy engaged to the granddaughter but he also dared to flirt with her grandmother in front of her, if he wasn't a suicidal fool then what was he? A dead man walking. Somewhere deep down they could not help but commend the gutsy boy.

"Wyatt, do you have a death wish?" Anna erupted, grabbing the boy by his collar as she glared at him. And to her surprise, the boy looked straight into her eyes and yelled, "Go away you tease, I don't want to die in your hands, I don't want to go to hell."

"Fuck you, you limpdick, I will show you hell right here. Grandma, remove your hold on him, today, I will teach him what a dog's death is," Anna was furious, a tease, the boy called her a tease and also dared to compare her to a devil, i.e according to the devil lore the soul of the people killed by the devil forcefully taken go to the hell by the devil that killed them.

​ "..." Colleen looked at the boy and her granddaughter and could not help but frown. These two brats acted as if they were being wronged when it was she who was humiliated here. Not only did the boy dare to molest her by openly imagining vulgar thoughts about her but he dared to openly flirt with her in the presence of her granddaughter who was supposedly his lover. How humiliating and embarrassing should this be for her? Yet, the two brats in front of her acted as if they were the victim.

What pissed her off, even more, was that her granddaughter was seemingly not as enraged when the boy dared to flirt with her openly in her presence as when the boy called her a tease and compared her to a devil.

While the boy along with grandma and granddaughter pair was hung on settling scores with each other. Agent Lois and Agent Uri were having a heated mental discussion feeling that their original course of action of getting demigod Baylor to adopt the boy was no longer a possibility.