

eChapter 1158 Transcending Words, Bad Luck In Her Life

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:08

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, St. Raymond's Cemetery

"Grandma, how do you know grandpa loves you when he doesn't say it enough and is too busy to show it?"

"Silly girl, what kind of question is that? Your grandpa does not need to say he loves me or show it because I know he loves me."

"Cringe. But wouldn't it be nice to have him say or express it once in a while?"

"For insecure women maybe but not me. If you are fortunate, I hope you will experience it in your life."

Grabbing hold of the boy's collar, Anna wanted to question him about how she can be a tease for wanting their relationship to be more meaningful and savoury but right at that moment she saw a look in his eyes that shouted he saw death rushing toward him.

What do you do when you see death heading toward you? Try to get out of its way. But this boy, from his eyes, she heard them scream,

'Whatever may happen next, know this, I, Dalton Wyatt, love you.'

So Anna could not help but jump in front of him to face death in his place as if she would ever watch as harm befall him, "Unparalleled Arena."

This moment, this action of Anna, was pure instinct. Ann's mental warning may have played a part in it but Anna would beg to differ. Because for her, her connection with the boy had transcended the realm of words.

"Southern emperor, activate."

"Unparalleled Glory."

"I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter."

"Activate, S-Rank, Bestowal Card, Starry Array Sky Slate."

"Pre-recorded array formation,

Summon! Southern Crown constellation array formation, one of 88 constellations array formation.

Activate, pledge of 'stars of south', the south protects those that protect them."



Uri had rushed towards the boy preparing to take him out by detonating himself regardless of the friendly in the vicinity because he was told they could take care of themselves. But things did not go Uri's way, even before he could self-detonate, the southern emperor had transported them into one of her famous field cards. Still, he proceeded with self-detonation with a simple aim, one less hostile.

In the meantime, Anna activated the pledge of 'stars of south' of the southern crown array formation knowing that she would be taking on the full concentrated blast of a demigod self-detonating.

Even before Anna and Uri appeared in the arena they had played their first move. Now the only question that remained was whether Anna would be able to survive Uri's suicide bombing.

Even before Uri's explosion could reach him an array of stars conjured and covered Anna, shielding her from the blast. But the force of the explosion was too large, it managed to shatter the shield of stars and make its way to Anna.

*Cough* *Cough*

Anna coughed blood as her incomplete and blood-covered body lay on the arena floor. Her limbs were missing and underneath the blood stains was her charred skin. What was left of her body did not have a single hair, they were all burnt with the explosion. She was barely able to grip her consciousness from passing to the afterlife.

Despite her severe condition, Anna had achieved the impossible, she survived the suicide bombing of a demigod. But considering that a lot of her unparalleled bloodline had been consumed this result was given. After all, the Unparalleled Bloodline was the strongest and most resilient bloodline of all.

Right then another set of stars conjured and covered her body, helping it with its recovery. This was the work of the Southern crown constellation array formation's pledge of 'Stars of South', to protect those that protect them. This array formation was not only known as a very strong protection array but was also known for its safety and recovery additional effects.

Now that her enemy was dead Anna was being forced out by the arena but the consciousness of her ancestors stopped it from doing so and upheld the pledge of 'Stars of South' fulfilling their pledge to protect those that protect their valves. Anna was having a hard time staying conscious let alone maintaining the Unparalleled Arena and Starry Array Sky Slate, if not for her ancestors coming together to help her from their afterlife, her incomplete body would be thrown outside in between the heated battle, becoming a nuisance for her allies.

Anna could use her origin card to transfer some of the damage she incurred to Ann but she did not, knowing that Ann and the boy were facing a life-and-death situation.

"Damn, a demigod realm suicide bomber? Did the war between the royal families and the government ultimately break out?" One of the statues of unparalleled bloodline ancestry in the viewing area of the arena spoke.

"I knew taking those oaths would come back to bite us one day," another statue added to what the statue before him said.

"Ancestor, don't you think we should not be jumping to conclusions? There may be other enemies," a statue from the younger generation argued.

"With demon cult uprooted, except the spies from the government who else is crazy enough to suicide bomb the heir of my family?" The statue from earlier defended his quick conclusion.

*Groan* Anna groaned hearing the statues buzz and hum as if they were in a heated argument. She wanted to tell them to shut up but the muscles of her cheek that help with the movement of her jaw had yet to recover. She was so irritated by the constant sounds made by the statues that she wondered why her ears were spared during the explosion.

After her last visit to the Unparalleled Arena, Anna discussed her experience in the arena with Ann, she learned that she was right about the statues trying to communicate with her. And it turned out that the noise made by statues was called soul whisper since the statues did not have a physical month to talk.

Wanting to communicate with her ancestors Anna agreed to Ann's advice for her to learn soul whisper but she did not know that her second visit to the Unparalleled arena would be so soon. Ever since she met the boy, she has been fighting one powerful enemy after another. Begging the question of whether he was the love of her life or bad luck in her life.