

Chapter 1159 Trinity Immortal Physique, False Relic Mobius Presence

Date- --/--/----

Time- --:--

Location- Restricted, Classified, The Unavowed Project

During wartime, a group of card apprentices, the researchers, who could not contribute to the war at the frontlines, took it upon themselves to train a new generation of card apprentices who would replace the current generation at the frontlines, in case, god forbid, the war was the only thing left their future generation could inherit from them.

While training the future generation of card apprentices these researchers came to learn the unavoidable truth, that the future generation may not be as talented and resourceful as the current one. Worried for the fate of humanity, a part of these researchers walked a path so heinous that those who know of it swore to never speak of it, the Unavowed Project.

This project was conducted when times were tough and crimes against humanity were labeled as necessary sacrifices. It had two sides to it,

1. Serving beyond the grave: the bodies of fallen soldiers with special physiques or traits were dug up to serve humankind once more, in a series of ungodly experiments to uncover the secret of their special physiques or traits.

2. Willing sacrifice: A special unit was created in the allied forces which recruited desperate people who wanted to be of service to the cause in any way possible to willing become the living subject of the series of ungodly experiments to replicate the determined physique or traits.

Yes, the card apprentices had decided to play god, at times they failed horribly but like a needle in a haystack once in a while, they achieved what they set out to at a price that some thought was not worth it.

One such case was the three-body one mind physique aka the Trinity Immortal Physique. A special physique that allowed a person to possess three identical bodies controlled by a single mind. When one hears about this physique a question arises in their mind, how can one mind control three bodies, was there some side effect? Now, my friend, that's the beauty of this physique. It allowed a person to have three fully functional bodies without any side effects or shortcomings. The user of this physique showed great prowess in the war achieving remarkable achievements and earning himself the title Trinity Immortal because the user of this physique would not die unless all three bodies were killed within the same time frame otherwise, the living body could instantly revive the deceased body by paying appropriate sacrifice to the physique.

The researchers saw a myriad of possibilities when it came to the trinity immortal physique so despite the initial failure and lack of funding they kept this one experiment alive until one day they finally found a method to turn this natural physique into an acquired one. Though they were successful in achieving their goal, they were faced with a universal truth, only one in millions meet the requirement of acquiring the physique and it was not guaranteed that every one of these select few would be able to make it to the end of the experiment and acquire the true Trinity Immortal physique.

There were two methods created to acquire trinity immortal physique,

1. Identical Triplets: This method involved the most dominant of the identical triplet using the bodies of their two identical brothers as the fated ingredient and refining them into their origin card. But there was one requirement the identical triplets attempting this method should satisfy, all three of them should share a strong mental bond, and the result would be more promising if the bond was so strong that one could feel the other two were their fated ingredient. Basically the stronger the bond, the more chances of them acquiring the true Trinity Immortal Physique.

2. Cloning Oneself: This method involves the card apprentice creating two perfectly identical fully functional clone bodies of themselves, then using these clone bodies as their fate ingredient to refine them into their origin card. Like the previous method, this method also had a requirement, the card apprentice attempting this method should have insanely high mental strength as the stronger their mental strength the more chance of them successfully acquiring the true trinity immortal physique.

Agent Uri was born with strong mental strength, but due to his circumstances he never had the chance to put it to use as a card creationist or an array master but it did help him rise in ranks when he joined the central government militia at the way beyond gaining the attention of his current master who introduced him to the organization running the puppet government saying that he could be part of the organization if he were to use the cloning method to acquire the true Trinity Immortal physique or die trying else he would be silenced to maintain the secrecy of the organization. Left with no choice, Uri agreed and followed his master's arrangements.

Though Uri's inborn mental strength was strong it was not strong enough to acquire the true Trinity immortal physique but he was able to acquire a partial trinity immortal physique which still held most of the advantages of the trinity immortal physique, especially the ability that made it near immortal. Uri's partial trinity immortal physique fell shy of the true trinity immortal physique but it was complete enough to uphold the legend of the trinity immortal physique. Therefore he joined the organization without any hiccup and was also awarded a false relic, Mobius Presence, as a joining bonus, which made him the perfect agent for Infiltration, Assassination, and Espionage.

[ False Relic: Mobius Presence

Effect: This ability allows the user to perfectly hide the presence of an identical self behind the other identical self infinitely.

Note: the false relics ability can only be used on the user and not any other live or inanimate entities only when they were not in contact with other alive entities]

The ability of false relic Mobius presence was based on the principle of the Mobius loop, where a rectangle can hide its symmetric half behind its other symmetrical half by constructing a one-side surface by holding its one end fixed and rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and joining it to the first end.

The ability of the false relic allowed its user to perfectly hide their presence and their other clones' presence as long as they had one identical clone replacing the presence of all their other combined presence. Meaning, Uri and his clones could hide their presence as alone as one clone was there to fill their absence. That was, Uri and his infinite clones could hide their presence as long as a single clone made its presence known.

But there was a catch to how perfectly this ability could hide the presence of the user and his identical clone in exchange for one clone making its presence known, it depended on how perfectly identical the clone making its presence known was to the Original body. Meaning, for this ability to work flawlessly the clone replacing the presence of the original should be perfectly identical to the original, otherwise, the small differences will become the flaw and tell signs of the presence hidden using this ability.

Because of this shortcoming, this false relic could not be used to its full potential as all clones created by the user may be identical but they did not possess the same strength as the original, this difference in strength of the original and the clone became the main reason nobody bothered to use this false relic until Uri. Because Uri's trinity immortal physique allowed him to have three perfectly identical bodies even in terms of realm and strength.

Since Uri had three identical bodies, he could use the false relic 'Mobius presence' to perfectly hide the presence of his two bodies while one body was out in the open.

Usually, the body that was not hiding its presence would stay back at the base while the other two with their presence perfectly hidden would go out to perform missions. This was the case when Uri went to assassinate the demigod nun of the church of Michel Angelo. After assassinating the nun with suicide bombing, the body which did not hide its presence but was hiding in the secret base, received the notification of the death of one of their body and after reading its memory it went to report the success of the mission to their handler.

Unlike the true trinity immortal physique, Uri's partial trinity immortal physique did not allow the three bodies to share the sense when apart for long distances but thankfully their origin card filled in the shortcoming but it still was not as good as the real deal.