
Chapter 1445 Knowledge

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plains Planet, Freedom Fighters Secret Base

"Geez, leader. I am getting to it. Don't rush me," Luna complained then paused to soak in the frustrated look on the faces of the six powerful and influential demigods in the freedom fighters. Thinking to herself, 'And these guys want to control Wyatt, he will have a field with these suckers.'

"I have shared an article to each of your grimoires, go through it and tell me what your thoughts are about it," Luna said after she summoned her grimoire and shared an article titled 'I created the dragon moca from VR-Universe' to all six of them. 

"Luna, just tell us already," An demigod pleaded with Luna to stop with the props and get to the point.

"You guys will have to work for the information I have gathered, otherwise you will not appreciate it," Luna felt that if she just told these close minded and short sighted people about her finding most of them will not be able to understand the seriousness and importance of it unless they explored and experienced it themselves. 

"Just do as she says, you're just drawing this on," another demigod asked his colleague to go with it and get it done as it was the only way to end this sooner. 

"The article says that influencers are selling some kind of beverage called 'dragon moca' that is famous in VR-Universe? So what are we supposed to gather from it?" the demigod in charge of finances asked. 

"First, you need to know that there is no beverage called or similar to dragon moca in our world. It was first introduced in the VR-Universe. 

The first users to explore the VR-Universe came across the 'dragon moca' series of beverages and thanks to the fully immersive effect of the VR-Universe they were able to taste it. It tasted incredible, and the card apprentice immediately fell in love with the dragon moca series of beverages. 

Until that article was published, everyone thought 'dragon moca' was just an illusionary drink that existed in the VR-Universe. 

The author of that article, went and got a job as a barista in one of the coffee joints in the VR-Universe where these 'dragon moca' drinks were sold. There she learned the recipe of the dragon moca and recreated it in the real world and it worked. 

Now she has already applied for copyright of the recipe of 'dragon moca' beverages. Which has stirred up another controversial debate. But since it has nothing to do with our matter at hand I will just leave it at that," Luna briefly explained the story behind the article. 

"Some entitled influencer created drinks from the VR-Universe in reality, big whoop, what does it have to do with you investing the last of our money in it," a demigod who was losing his patience with Luna asked. 

"Everything, don't you get what I am trying to say? There was no knowledge of dragon moca in our world before the VR-Universe. An illusionary world gave rise to a series of popular beverages in reality. Have you seen any illusions capable of that?" As Luna said this a hint of crazy fan girl could be seen in her eyes. 

"That is just a trick, Dalton Wyatt must have planted the recipe of the dragon moca in VR-Universe and is using it as a marketing strategy to raise its popularity," the demigod in charge of the finance department disregarded Luna's crazy claims saying that it was a marketing gimmick. 

"I too thought that at first but considering the 'soul energy digestion' effect and the fact that he was literally giving the VR-Slime cards for free, Wyatt did not need a marketing gimmick which would cost him a copyright of which could be the next big beverage industry in our world. 

Besides it goes beyond that, just check the other articles I have shared to your grimoire. These ones are more honest than the last one," Luna defended that the VR-Universe was more than just an illusion. 

'I learned how to cook an 'Asura fin fish monster' in VR-Universe.' 

'I learned how to make different flavors of ice cream in the VR universe.'

'I learned how to cook diamond shelled crawfish in the VR universe.'

'I am attending a monster processing college for free in VR-Universe.' 





'I learned how to kill a Horned Tiger monster in three moves in VR-Universe' 

The demigods were skeptical about Luna's claims and believed she had fallen prey to some kind of marketing trick. But once they began to go through the numerous articles and videos about how the card apprentice learned different kinds of knowledge in VR-Universe which wasn't available in the card world they started to understand where Luna was coming from. As it was impossible for anyone to deny the sheer number of evidence. 

It was plausible to believe that one can implant one or two new knowledge in their illusion but it was impossible for anyone to create an illusion like the VR-Universe filled with knowledge and civilization that wasn't even present in the world. 

"Luna, how many of these articles are true?" Henricks asked Luna with a deadpan face realizing that Luna wasn't lying, the VR-Universe wasn't just another high-level illusion. 

"I have personally spent my department's manpower to investigate the truth to all of these articles and turns out all of them are true and there is no falsehood to any of these articles," Luna's tone was serious and grave, to imply the solemnity of this discovery. 

"All of them are true," an demigod asked Luna for confirmation in utter disbelief. 

"Yes, all of them are true," Luna affirmed. 

"I had to take a huge loan to learn Monster processing in a mediocre college. I remember being in debt for decades, to pay off my student loans. And here they are learning monster processing for free," the demigod who dabbled in monster necromancy and chimaera creation complained having read the article 'I am attending a monster processing college for free in VR-Universe.'