
Chapter 1444 Pirates & Bandits

Date- -/-

Time- -/-

Location- Reverse Dungeon, Yellow Plains Planet, Freedom Fighters Secret Base

"VR-Universe's Currency Exchange," Luna announced proudly, only to hear one of the demigods ask, "What is that?" 

"You guys, did you even bother to enter and explore the VR Universe of VR-Slime card or were you just too focused on the 'soul energy digestion' effect of the card?" Luna should have known better than to expect praise from her audience since they were all close-minded and short-sighted.

"VR-Universe? Luna, you wasted all the money we had on an illusionary world. Wasn't the VR-Universe thing supposed to be free?" the Demigod who was in charge of the finance exclaimed and enquired in confusion. 

"Why would anyone bother to waste their time exploring an illusion?" another demigod scoffed and then remembering the matter at hand he yelled, "That doesn't explain where our money went. Luna, you better have a good reason for this." 

"What about the VR-Universe? Do we need to know something about it?" Baylor did not lose his calm like the others. He knew, though annoying, Luna could be considered the smartest person in the room after his mentor. And when it comes to research no one in the room could match her intellect, observation, and insights. 

Baylor had to believe this was the case because his plan to get a refund directly from the scammer behind the scheme Luna had fallen prey to was not possible for now since the scammer was in one of the most secure places in the world. 

"Baylor, seriously! You guys are still willing to listen to her bullshit. How can an illusion be an investment opportunity which can grow your initial investment by three times?" The demigod from earlier yelled in irritation seeing Baylor and Henricks were still willing to entertain Luna and her idiosyncrasy. 

Why wouldn't he be? After all, he had invested all of his net worth to support the freedom fighters and their cause, only to find out that the last of their money was wasted on some kind of illusion. 

"Henricks, you have given Luna too much liberty. I know the Empty Space project is important for our organization but this has gone too far. I think it's time Luna was held accountable for her actions," another demigod spoke up supporting his colleague. 

The reason Luna was half as scary as she was was that Henricks favored her a lot. They can't blame him for that because once the empty space project was successful they could turn the tables on the organization controlling the puppet central government once and for all. Paving the way for their cause. 

However, giving Luna free rein of the freedom fighters' R&D department and funding it with half of their entire budget was proving to be the push for their downfall. They had to rectify this before it was too late— well it was already too late. They have lost the last of their money. 

"Everyone calm down, if worse comes to worst we will sell the silver milk from silver beach dungeon as ingredients in the market to pay our bills until the silver milk production line is complete. 

Now let us be patient and listen to what Luna has to say. She is right, we were all too focused on the 'soul energy digestion' effect of the card that we forgot the real reason why Dalton Wyatt created the VR-Slime card, VR-Universe. 

He could have sold the effects VR-Universe and Soul energy digestion separately but he chose to stack them in a single card. I believe Luna is onto something we failed to see," though Henricks defended Luna, in his mind, he was hoping Luna would come through otherwise he would have no choice but to hold her accountable for her actions. 

"Yeah, guys relax, all our money is with Dalton Wyatt. Once Henricks captures him, we can just have him cough out our money with a hefty interest," the demigod in charge of freedom fighters' finances chimed in claiming that the answer to all their financial problems was the boy who created VR-Universe in which Luna invested the last of their money. 

"I like the sound of that." 

"I can get on board with that." 

"Looks like the answer to all our problems is Dalton Wyatt."

"The sooner we capture Dalton Wyatt the better."

Listening to the point made by demigod in charge of finances the mood in the hall lightened and finally improved for the better. 

"Guys, aren't you underestimating Wyatt too much? Do I have to remind you people that to escape his card emperor and semi-demigod assassins he has managed to successfully fake his death numerous times. Capturing him will not be an easy task. Especially with the Southern royal guards at his disposal," Luna's brows frowned seeing the demigods underestimate the boy and treat him like an overflowing piggy bank waiting to be broken open. In her eyes her demigod colleagues started to look like a bunch of lowlife pirates and bandits. 

"Even if he is dead for real I will bring his mangled remains to raise him from the dead to cough out our money," a demigod who dabbled in monster necromancy and chimaera creation vowed. Causing Baylor to frown. 

"Ahem," Seeing the meeting was going out hand, Henricks cleared his throat and brought them back to the topic at hand, VR-Universe, saying, "Luna, stop patronizing them and talk about what you have found out about the VR-Universe which made you believe that investing in it took priority despite fully being aware of the organizations financial conditions." 

"Fine," Luna stared hard at the demigods before sighing and letting out the breath of frustration and said, "Honestly, I can't blame you guys for not noticing the importance of the VR-Universe. After all, that is what Wyatt wanted to achieve by stacking the VR-Slime card with VR-Universe and the 'Soul energy digestion' effect. 

You guys were so preoccupied with the possibilities of the 'Soul energy digestion' effect that you guys ignored the possibilities of the VR-Universe. 

Wyatt is peddling a way for him to dominate the world right under your noses but you guys failed to notice that because you were distracted by the distraction he purposefully planted, the 'Soul energy digestion' effect of the card. You illiterates fell for his distraction as he except you and the other world leaders to. 

If not for me, it would have been too late before you guys even realized what he was up to just like the central government, royal families and the central region nobles."

"Luna, what did I just say? Stop patronizing us and get to the point," Henricks yelled, the hall had six demigods and none of them felt good being looked down by the only card emperor in the hall.