
Chapter 1678 Primordial Pixies

Chapter 1678 Primordial Pixies

Date- 14 April 2321

Time- 22:56

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon. 

"Primordial Pixies?" Wyatt curiosity spiked upon hearing these two words. 

"Yes, they are supposedly the original Pixies and we are created in their image," Dredre said. However, she was struggling to continue to speak about the Primordial Pixies. After a lengthy pause, Dredre finally spoke, "It has been long since I heard this story. I don't know why the elders stopped telling this story. The last time I heard of this story was back in our old territory." 

"You alright Dredre? Take your time, do not force yourself," Wyatt said seeing Dredre was having difficulty recalling about the Primordial Pixies. Listening, to her say that the last time her elders talked about the Primordial Pixies was back when they were in their old territory. Wyatt immediately knew that the Librarian was behind this. 

The Librarian had the Pixies forget about their old territory such that they could adapt to their new territory. Now it appears that the memory suppressing method used by the Pixie Race was also uprising the memories that the Pixies that were even remotely related to the memories of their old territory. Nonetheless, it appears with little effort Dredre was able to recall those memories even though it put a little stress on her mentally. 

"I am fine, Wyatt. It's only a slight headache but now I do not feel it," Dredre answered. Showing that there weren't any harsh side effects to her trying to recall the memories that were remotely connected to her memories of her old territory. 

"As long as you are okay," Wyatt said. He could get the answers he needed from somewhere else. The devil merchant code was so huge Wyatt did not believe that the Library had bought or owned the copyrights to all the books on Pixies or their copies. 

"Do not worry, I am fine," Dredre assured Wyatt again before returning to the topic, "Now that I recall the story of the Primordial Pixies, I understand that it is more than a story being passed down among us pixies but more of a legend. Some tribes of our race even go as far as to worship the Primordial Pixies as gods of their tribe. This story is retold in our tribe to every newborn but I wonder why tribe elders suddenly stopped telling this story." 

Seeing that Dredre has still not figured out that the Librarian had a hand in this, Wyatt could only shake his head in pity but he did not plan to tell the truth to Dredre until she figured it out herself as currently, the Pixie tribe appeared to have a lot of trust in the Librarian and anything he said would only be counter-productive. Even Zaltan never actually openly said that his father was taking advantage of them the Pixies. He continued to stay on the fence even when he recruited Wyatt's help. So it can be seen that no good will come from Wyatt telling Dredre and the Pixies that their new master was taking advantage of them unless Dredre and her race figure it out themselves. Because only then will they believe it. That was how much they trusted the Librarian. The Librarian was nothing special, the Pixies were just a loyal and sentimental race.

"Dredre, what does the legend say?" Wyatt asked 

"It said that the Primordial Pixies were one of the first beings born from the Primordial energies and they carried and spread the primordial energies through their wings across the boundless void creating the myriad realms as we witness it today," Dredre narrated. 

Listening to the legend of the Primordial Pixies, Wyatt was blown away by it. Especially, by the part about the Primordial Pixies carrying the Primordial energies and spreading them across the boundless void using their wings giving birth to the myriad realms that we see today. As it resembles the innate ability of the Pixie race, them being able to create pixie dust with their wings that helps them grow forests. 

But Wyatt did not understand why the pixies believed that they were created in the image of the Primordial Pixie when they and their innate ability bore so much resembled that of the Primordial Pixies. Instead of claiming that they were descendants of the Primordial Pixies. 

Since his only source of information was Dredre thanks to the Librarian, Wyatt could only ask her, "Dredre, why do you say that you were created in the image of the Primordial Pixies instead of claiming that you were descendent of the Primordial Pixies?" 

"You do not know about pixies do you?" Dredre said hearing Wyatt something obvious again. 

"Well everything I know about the Pixies, is about the Dark Pixies and the Pixie Dragons tribe but none of it applies to your tribe," Wyatt replied. 

"Well, if that is the case I can see why you would ask such a question. Unlike the Pixie Dragons lay eggs and Dark Pixies come together under the moonlight to grow their tribe, in our tribe the Pixies are born from the world tree. 

The legend has it that the World Tree was created by the Primordial Pixies to help the Realm Wills manage their realm until and after they mature. Once the Realm Will matures the World Tree bore flowers that formed fruits in the image of their creator the Primordial Pixies and we pixies are the fruits of the World Three," Dredre explained how the pixies of her tribe were born.

Listening to the legend narrated by Dredre, Wyatt was more confident about his observations about Dredre's innate ability. Because if Primordial Pixies created the World Trees and the World Tree gave birth to Pixies then Pixies were the descendants of the Primordial Pixies. After all, many amphibians create eggs and fertilize them outside of their bodies. The offspring born from these eggs were considered their children. The same was true for the pixies born from the world tree. The only difference was that Primordial Pixies laid their fertilized egg in the form of a world tree.