
Chapter 1679 Pixie Dust

Date- 14 April 2321

Time- 22:56

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon. 

After listening to the legends of the Pixie Race from Dredre, Wyatt had his thoughts and speculations that did not align with Dredre and her elder's interpretation of these legends. However, he did not bother to discuss them with Dredre as he did not want to come off as a Ken who told her that her tribe's interpretation of her race's legends was wrong and that he had a better interpretation. 

Now that would be crossing the line. So, Wyatt kept his thoughts to himself. Believing it was not his place and the human race had many legends that have been interpreted out of proposition each of them. Everyone was free to have their own opinion unless they forced it on others. 

But after listening to these legends, he strongly believed that in the right conditions, the Pixies could create realms. He also had a feeling that only by building their realms could a Pixie become transcendent. He will be able to convince Dredre that once the floating island being nurtured by her grows into a flat realm. Until then he decided to keep his observations to himself while seeking Dredre's assistance whenever he did not understand something or was stuck. 

Soon Wyatt turned his attention to the Stone Viltronian, whose stone body was covered in green moss, fungi, and mushrooms while he was in a spiritual 'one with the world' state comprehending a new rule or a rule meaning. Not wanting to disturb the Stone Viltronian's pence, Wyatt chose not to spy on him through HIve AI to see which new rule or rule meaning it was comprehending. It had gained a lot just by being influenced by a little of Dredre's pixie dust at the beginning. 

Wyatt has also tried to touch or grab a handful of Pixie dust to see if he could benefit from it but as his hands near the pixie dust, it turns into an imaginary dust and phases through him ultimately reaching its target. No matter how hard he tried he could not come in contact with Pixie dust. Which visibly frustrated you. Seeing you like this Dredre offered, "Wyatt do you want some of my Pixie dust?" 

"Yeah, I would like some," Wyatt revealed his interest in her Pixie dust to Dredre who happily fluttered around Wyatt atop of his head. Showering pink pixie dust on him. 

"No not like this just pour some on my hand," Wyatt immediately yelled, but he inhaled some pixie dust through his nostrils, mouth, and skin. 

In response to the pixie dust, Wyatt's body greedily swallowed it making him light-headed and relaxed, he began to unwind with no sense of care and responsibility in his life. He felt detached from the mortal obsessions with life and seemed to have developed an extra sense. However, once Dredre stopped showering her pixie dust on top of him following his yell, he began to return to normal. 

With no more pixie dust to influence his system, Wyatt immediately woke up from that detached state with a jolt. Because of his viltronian physique and mutated soul, Wyatt went through a decent amount of Pixie dust as if nothing and recovered in a second. 

"What just happened?" Wyatt asked staring into the void. He just had the mind-bending experience of his life. He has used many substances, to keep himself engaged in the Vitronian Infested Earth which was the product of his making. 

However, none of those experiences could be compared to this one. To think that the Pixie Dust would be responsible for this was appalling. Especially, considering that the Pixie Dust could be used to create realms. 

"Wyatt, you are awake," Dredre, who was tending to her forest, rushed to Wyatt's side seeing him walk up from a long slumber. 

When Dredre showered Wyatt with her pixie dust he entered a state similar to the one with the world. Even though Dredre has stopped showering her Pixie dust with Wyatt's yell, she has showered a lot of the Pixie dust by that time. This pixie dust covered Wyatt for a while until all of it was absorbed by his body. But once there was no more pixie dust Wyatt immediately recovered thanks to his special physique and traits. 

"What, how long was out of it?" Wyatt understood from Dredre's words that he had been trapped in the mind-bending experience for a while in reality even though it was only a few moments in his mind. 

"About two hours," Dredre answered. However, she accepted him to be out of it for a day or two but his body recovered from the influence of her pixie dust's effect incredibly fast. 

"How much Pixie Dust did you use on me?" Wyatt asked learning that he had no sense last two hours.

"I am sorry. I only used a little," from Wyatt's tone Dredre felt that she had done something bad but it was Wyatt who asked her for some pixie dust. 

"No, don't apologize you did nothing wrong. Besides what the heck did I just go through?" Wyatt asked Dredre to explain the experience he had just been through, though short it was mind-bending. At that moment, he felt detached from everything—- not like apathy but something more fulfilling, unlike apathy which was just a lack of interest. 

"You are the first card apprentice I have used my pixie dust on, so I have no idea," Dredre responded shaking her head then went on to add, "But based on my experience of having used my pixie dust on the beast, with an appropriate amount pixie dust even beast began to grow spirituality and with continued dose over time their spirituality develops an individuality like any other sentient spices. I do not know if my pixie dust will have the same effect on the sentient spices. Can you explain to me your experience under the influence of my pixie dust for my future reference?" 

Listening to Dredre, Wyatt finally understood what it felt like to be used as a guinea pig. Shaking his head Wyatt answered, "Sure, but first can you collect some of your pixie dust in this beaker for me?" Wyatt said taking out a glass beaker from his grimoire. 

"Okay," Dredre readily agreed she did not mind sharing her Pixie dust with Wyatt. 

As Dredre filled the glass beaker with her radiant pink pixie dust, Wyatt narrated his experience under the influence of her pixie dust in detail. Hoping she knew what the experience he went through was. However, Dredre had no idea. She was as clueless as he was about it. 

"Here," Dredre passed the pixie dust-filled beaker to Wyatt and then asked, "Do you need anything else?" 

"I am guessing there is nothing about pixie dust in Infinity Library that has not been banned by the Librarian?" Wyatt said hoping that his guess was wrong. 

"No, there is one book with mention of Pixies and Pixie dust that has not been banned by the Librarian," Dredre said, igniting the hope in Wyatt into a blazing flame as he asked, "Which book is it?"

"Myraid Realm Race Records," Dredre answered Wyatt with a straight face, she did not appear to be up to something. However, Wyatt who thought that he had finally caught a break, after listening to her felt like he was lifted to the seven skies only to be mercilessly plunged into the depths of hell. So he could not help but at Dredre and said, "That's not funny, Dredre." 

"What is not funny?" Dredre who was only doing her job did not know what Wyatt was talking about and looked at him with a puzzled gaze. Having spent a significant amount of time with Wyatt in the physical plane Dredre was starting to find Wyatt's actions odd. But she liked him so she ignored his odd behavior.

"..." Wyatt stared at Dredre blankly and shook his head but for some reason, his subconscious mind suddenly played the song, 'Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow…'

Wyatt wondered if one of his mutated consciousnesses had grown rebellious, Wyatt did not mind nipping it from the bud by erasing what little individuality they had formed. However, he was thinking too much as that was not the case. His subconscious just happened to think of this song. 

"Dredre, you can go back to tending to your forest, I will seek you if I need anything," Wyatt responded, shooing Dredre away. 

Then Wyatt looked at the radiant pink pixie dust in the beaker. With his Soul Pupils, all he could see was a very pure mass of soul energy. Even purer than the mass of soul energy that could be found in the Card World's Will's womb.

Wyatt felt that his realm was limiting the soul pupils from unveiling the true mysteries of the pixie dust as such all he could see as of now was a pure mass of soul energy and nothing beyond that. Knowing the applications of pixie dust Wyatt knew that it could not just be pure soul energy regardless of how high its purity was.