In a dystopian 2089, humanity struggles under oppression, greed, and chaos. Mike, a reluctant driver, gets entangled with Vasily and a motley crew on a high-stakes heist against a military-guarded facility. As plans unravel amidst betrayal, danger, and fleeting camaraderie, survival becomes their ultimate prize in a fractured, neon-lit world.
It was a fun read and I'm looking forward to more amazing stuff like this in the future.
A nice story, keep it up.**A Promising Tale with Room to Grow** This debut novel shines with a fresh and imaginative concept that captures the reader's curiosity from the start. The story is driven by an intriguing premise, weaving together elements of science fiction, drama, and suspense. The author’s passion for storytelling is evident, offering glimpses of their creative potential. While the execution occasionally falters with uneven pacing and underdeveloped characters, these are minor hurdles that do not overshadow the book's ambitious vision. With a bit more polish, this could be a standout work. For readers seeking an original and thought-provoking narrative, this book is worth exploring. It’s a testament to a burgeoning talent who, with encouragement and refinement, is poised to deliver truly remarkable stories in the future. A solid first step, deserving of both support and anticipation for what’s next.