The first Marriage on Earth (genesis)

Verse 21….

 Have you ever wondered at the strong attraction between the sexes? It is far more than mere sexual attraction, it is the need to be one with another person, to have someone to love and be loved by. This is God-given….

God looked at Adam and said, "It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper fitted for his needs". Just as Adam was formed from the dust of the ground, so God now formed the woman from his side. God put him into a heavy sleep and gave the first operation performed on earth. God took one of Adam's ribs out of his side and fashioned a woman for him from himself. Imagine Adam's thoughts as he first saw Eve…"Mine! Isn't she lovely!"

God gave His blessing on this union and said that from then on a man should leave his parents and become a separate unit, one flesh, and have no shame in delighting with each others' bodies. They are to remain together for life with nothing and no-one coming between them (Matthew 19:4-6) and the marriage unit is to be a picture on earth of the unity between Christ and His Church in heaven (Ephesians 5:22-33)

The husband is to love his wife with all his heart and to consider her needs….the need to be loved, listened to and treated with respect and consideration….after all she isn't as stron physically as he is! The wife is to respect and consider her husband's needs, to be thoughtful and look up to him taking notice of what he ways and sticking to what he wants. A wife is not told to love her husband….she will do this automatically if he loves and treats her as he should.

Love is more than feeling good, It's being kind just as we should,

To think of others and all THEIR needs, To put them first in words and deeds.

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