Eve's fault?

Genesis Three….(v.1, 8) Eve's Fault?

Verses 1 and 8….

 Everything in God's garden was perfect! The man had his wife for company….they delighted in each other, in the beauty all around them, the birds and animals, and best of all the perfect communion they had with God as He came to walk and talk with them in the garden each day.

They both knew God in a way that no other human ever has because at this stage they had never known sin, they were perfect in every way. It was an idyllic time in history.

God had only given them two stipulations….they were not to eat of the fruit of the two trees in the centre of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. It never entered their heads to disobey, why should they? They had everything they needed!

But there was another being watching jealously in the shadows. He hated God and everything that He stood for, and was determined to wreck this beautiful situation. He is still involved in this work of undermining God's authority and work at every turn. He knows our every weak point and strikes where and when we are most vulnerable. We are to be continually on our guard and resist his every ploy, and he will leave us alone for the time being ("flee from us" as Peter says..(1 Peter 5:8-9).

Satan's attack was no surprise to God….God had always known this would happen as He knew the evilness of Satan's heart and his hatred of everything good. Knowing what it would cost Him personally, God was still prepared to go ahead with His plan of making man and then having to redeem him from sin's penalty to achieve the end result of having someone to fellowship with Him for eternity. How humbling is that!

The world complete, the garden made, Man enjoyed the plants and shade,

But Satan lurked and tried to foil, God's plan for man with sin to spoil.

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