Satan vs man who won?

Genesis Three….(v.1-6) Satan versus Man…who Won?

Verses 1-6….

The serpent is synonymous with Satan. At this stage the serpent was a bright, beautiful, shimmering creature, one that fascinated and apparently had legs, or got along upright in some way.

This particular day, it came up to Adam and Eve and actually spoke to Eve. He came straight to Eve's weakest point….casting doubts about God by saying "Has God said?"

Eve had the right answer, "Yes, God has said….." but then Satan sent in his barb, he appealed to her pride. "You will know as much as God if you eat this fruit!"

Eve could still have walked away from the tempter, but she listened and looked a second time and was lost. Kames tells us what to do in similar circumstances…."Resist the devil and he will flee from you". The believer has God on his side. He has to do what he can…resist and stand firm on God's Word….and God will do the rest. NEVER take a second look or you will be lost for sure.

Eve acted independently from God and from Adam, her protector who had received this instruction from God. She fell for satan's suggestion and took the fruit and ate it and gave it to Adam who was near her. Adam's weakest point was Eve. He didn't stand up to her, taking notice of her before God, and gave in.

There are many points we could discuss here as to the reasons why he did this but they would be all surmise. The fact is, the deed was done. Man had disobeyed God. The results of this are seen all around us today. God's paradise was destroyed as sin now reigned with its accompanying death sentence, just as God had said would happen.

Resist the devil and he will flee, Stand firm for God and you will see,

He'll give strength to win the fight, As you stand up for what is right!

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