Be sure your sin will find you out

Genesis Three….(v.7-10) Be Sure your Sin will Find you Out!

Verses 7-10….

Adam and Eve had both disobeyed God's instructions and eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and immediately they knew they had sinned. Their conscience came surging to life and the seeds of death in their body began to grow. From that moment they began to age.

Before this, they hadn't known or experienced evil or sin, but now they were caught in its web….there was no going back or undoing it.. God had seen it all, in fact He knew it was going to happen, and that these creatures He had made with a free will had chosen to rebel against Him!

They knew now that they were naked and made coverings for their nakedness out of fig leaves, not realising that these too were now decaying. How futile is man's efforts to cover his sin!

So too, it is today….man is incapable of covering his sin from God's sight. The seeds of Adam's sin are passed on from generation to generation and everyone is born with that "I want to" do their own thing and have their own way which God calls sin! (Romans 5:12)

By covering their nakedness, they gave themselves away before God and hid among the trees not wanting to face Him for the first time since their creation. No longer could they face God in their sin.

Eve disobeyed and ate the fruit, which God had told her didn't suit,

Now she and Adam both could know, What shame was like as time did show.

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