Genesis Four….(v.8-26) Running Cures Nothing
Verses 8-26….
Resentment built up in Cain's soul as he continued to do his own thing and refused to do what he knew he should. We are told that bitterness has a root that grows and continually troubles the person that harbours it….
In Cain's case, his refusal to listen to God caused his resentment against Abel to grow to such an extent that he murdered his own brother to get rid of the reminder of his own disobedience. Disobedience is never static,,, it always leads to a downward path…resentment, hatred, and then murder. We may not commit murder physically, but we tear down those we dislike with slander or innuendos.
Cain continued in his rebellion by refusing to admit his dastardly deed to God and lied to His face. As a result, he received a stronger sentence from God and went on the run for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, that didn't solve the problem for him any more than it does for us. When caught out, we must deal with the problem in true repentance to clear it up….running away achieves nothing, as we take our self with us!
Cain's descendants were talented in many ways, but it doesn't seem that they followed the Lord or had any dealings with Him. It was from Seth, the third son of Adam, that the godly line of people came.
Bitterness leads to stunting the soul, Leaving us feeling far from whole,
This then leads to envy and hate, Which brings us death as ultimate fate.
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