which sacrifice

Genesis Four….(v.1-7) Which Sacrifice?

Verses 1-7….

Cain and Abel, the two eldest sons of Adam and Eve, were very different in character. Both had the same background and upbringing, and both would have heard the same stories that Adam and Eve told of the garden and their fall from grace….

Cain loved growing plants and had a wonderful garden. Abel loved animals and tended his animals lovingly. We can only assume that Adam and Eve continued to have further children while these two boys were growing up.

Both boys had the desire to bring God an offering, and both would have known that only a sacrifice where blood was shed was acceptable to God. But Cain stubbornly refused to accept this, and instead of buying an animal from his brother, he brought of his fruits that he had produced. They may have been beautiful, but he thought he knew better than God what to bring.

When God accepted Abel's offering of a lamb but refused to accept Cain's vegetables, he (Cain) became very angry and resentful. On the surface, we might wonder why God didn't accept Cain's offering, but he knew the boys' hearts. Abel was prepared to please God while Cain only pleased himself and thought he knew best.

They would have been taught by Adam that sin needs a blood sacrifice….Abel accepted this and parted with his lamb. Cain rejected this and thought his way was good enough. God gently pointed Cain in the right direction, but he still refused it. His attitude didn't make him feel any better….standing on one's rights never does. It does not bring happiness or joy before God.

Cain and Abel both had the same start, One loved God, and one hardened his heart,

Cain was rebuked but refused to heed, While Abel was blessed in his giving indeed.

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