without shedding blood there is no remmision of sin

Genesis Three….(v.20-24) Without Shedding Blood, there is no Remission of Sin.

Verses 20-24….

God had said to Adam, "The day you eat the fruit of this tree, you will die". Satan said to Eve, "You won't die!" What happened?

They had eaten the fruit in disobedience to God and they were still alive, BUT they had died to free access to God, the seed of death in their body began to grow and they began to age from that moment. Not only did their disobedience affect them, but it affected the whole of creation.(Romans 8:21-22).

The first death occurred when God took the skins of animals to cover their nakedness. Clothes to cover our nakedness is a God-given thing and we do well in this day and age of immodesty to dress modestly to God's glory! We are not to overdress, and not to under dress….both draw attention to ourselves which is not glorifying to God. (1 Peter 3:3_4)

But this was not the end of Adam's punishment….now he was expelled from God's beautiful garden where the tree of life was growing and had to make his own garden from scratch, and so human life as we know it had begun. The toil that went into producing food was set in motion. Angels now guarded the tree of life and in time it was removed and the place where God's garden had been, was no more seen and became a desert.

Sin destroys, brings death to all, To all creation through man's fall,

God says sin's wages all are sure, Death comes to all, for none are pure.

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