man proposes

Genesis Eleven….(v. 1-9) Man Proposes

Verses 1-9….

The people, all closely related, were staying around the area where the ark had touched down. But as they started to move around, they came to this plain where they settled. Then they had a great idea…..

"Let's build a tower that will reach to heaven and make a great name for ourselves", they said, and then set to work. It wasn't that they were merely building a tower that God did not like, it was their attitude of pride towards God…they were exhibiting the same attitude of pride that Satan showed when he said to himself, "I will be like God, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" (Isaiah 14:13-14)

The people all had a common purpose, a common ambition, and a common language, and so they began. We can imagine the next part of the story…..the foreman went out to to give his orders to the people, but the they looked at him in amazement….they did not understand a single word that he was saying! God had stepped in and confounded their language, their plans and their project….it all came to a sudden halt.

Each family drifted away from the others who now seemed like foreigners, and they moved off to settle in other parts. It was all God's plan to scatter the people and populate the rest of the world.

Japheth's family went north and westward; Ham's went towards the south while some of Shem's stayed where they while others drifted off to the east. So the different nationalities of the world evolved according to God's plan.

Man had planned and then proposed, But God took note and then disposed,

We should take care, and let Him guide, So we in Him can each abide.

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