enter abraham

Genesis Eleven….(v.10-26) Enter Abraham

Verses 10-26….

Verse ten is interesting…it states that Shem was 100 years old at the end of the flood and that two years later his first child was born

This would have given him time to get established with gardens (food) and somewhere to live. We then see the direct line from Shem to Abraham that was ten generations….

Year after flood Year from Beginning Name Age Yr Died after flood

Flood ended 1556 Shem 600 500

2 1558 Arphaxad 438 440

37 1693 Salah 433 470

67 1723 Eber 464 531

101 1757 Peleg 239 340

131 1787 Reu 239 370

163 1819 Serug 230 393

193 1849 Nahor 148 341

222 1878 Terah 205 427

292 1948 Abraham 175 467

So we can see from this that Shem outlived all of these patriarchs except for his great-grandson Eber who died in the 531st year after the flood…..he even outlived Abraham! Man's life span was getting gradually less until David could write that a person could only expect to live seventy years or maybe eighty with great difficulty (Psalm 90:10)

All these who lived so long ago, Shem lived enough to see them grow,

From Babel's time when scattered all, Till Abram went where God did call.

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