Abraham in trouble

Genesis Twelve….(v.9-20) Abram in Trouble.

Verses 10-26….

Things had gone smoothly for Abram's convoy as they moved wouth, and he had seen God's hand on his trip and given Him thanks. But now trouble arose, and so it often is with us as we travel life's road...

We will have a period of time when everything is going well and we feel that God has blessed us, and then we will run into one of the storms of life. For Abram, it was a famine….what to do? He didn't ask the Lord about it, but just did what seemed sensible at the time….he carried on into Egypt (which is a picture of the world) and we don't read that he made an altar there.

If we leave off reading the Word when we hit trouble, it won't be long before we slip back into the world's ways and we leave off going to church, don't pray and soon people won't know we are any different to them.

Abram was not only in Egypt, but he told Sarai to tell lies about who she was (his wife)….Abram was trusting in his own wisdom rather than in God. But Pharaoh found him out and sent him off….what a disgrace when the world rebukes a Christian for their manner of life!

Abram's trip went smooth and good, He made an altar as he should,

But then one day when trouble came, He left God's land much to his shame.

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