Abram returns

Genesis Thirteen….(v.1-18) Abram Returns.

Verses 1-18….

Abram now retraced his steps and went back to the place where he had last built an altar. So we too, when we backslide, must return to the Lord and to a place of worship….

But Abram still had a hanger-on that was not of God's choosing….his nephew Lot. Abram had been told to leave his family behind, but he took Lot with him. Now the time had come when Lot was forced to leave him. Sometimes we hang onto things that are harm;ess in themselves, but we know they are not of the Lord for us.

Sometimes they are removed forcibly from us, but how muxch better to give them up voluntarily for God! It might be an ear-ring for a man, or some bad habit not becoming to a believer (smoking, the odd drink or bad language). These things which are OK for the world, will always hold back a believer from growing in the Lord.

When Abram was back at the altar, then Lot left him and God once more gave Abram the great promise he had started off with and expanded it even further. We cannot grow in the Lord until we leave these things behind us.

Abram now retraced his way, Looking to God for ev'ry day,

Back to the altar he'd had at Bethel, Where God was able His promise to tell.

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