
Genesis Sixteen….(v.1-4) Wait!.

Verses 1-4….

What a mix up of events in this chapter! All because Abram went into Egypt! If we backslide into the world, and then come back to the Lord, let us beware that we bring nothing back with us. Abram and Sarai brought back an Egyptian maid with them…harmless thing? Let's see…..

Abram and Sarai were both desperate for a son. They couldn't see how God's promises were going to come true unless there was a son, and Sarai was well past child bearing time even though she was fit and well. It seems that a woman's childbearing years then were much the same as now in spite of their longer lives.

Now we see the same pattern of things as with Adam and Eve…they didn't really believe what God said and Sarai had a bright idea…."Take my maid and give her a son…perhaps this is what God meant!"

We never need to help God out with our good ideas…they don't work! What a lot of trouble this thought of Sarai's caused and is still causing today with the Arab nations coming from this son! Abram got his son (not of God's choosing); Hagar despised her mistress and Sarai treated her harshly. God could have prevented Hagar from having this son, but He sometimes allows these consequences of our foolish actions and disobedience to bring disastrous results. God knew this was all going to happen, and in spite of it, His purposes would still come to pass.

Abram listened to Sarai his wife, With results that have caused much sorrow and strife,

From Abram's time to the present day, All because it wasn't God's way!

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