
Genesis Sixteen….(v.5-16) Consequences.

Verses 5-16….

Sarai could now see some of the results of her impatience and unbelief, but it was too late. Hagar was refusing to obey her mistress and thought she should have privileges, being the mother of Abram's son….

Sarai treated her harshly and Hagar ran off. Hagar, too, had lessons to learn. God's angel appeared to her and told her to go back to her mistress…God would bless this unborn son of hers and would make him the father of many nations because he was Abram's son. His name was to be Ishmael.

BUT he was not God's chosen child, he was not the promised son but the son of the flesh as it were, and he did not come under God's covenant. This show us that although all mankind are God's sons by creation, yet are they not all God's sons in the sense of inheriting salvation. All humans are born in bondage to Satan, born under sin, and must be re-born in Christ to be freed of that bondage (John 3:16). This is the promise we have of God today (Galatians 4 :22-26, 28-31)

Hagar listened to the angel and returned to Sarai and the son was born. Time passed by (another thirteen years) and Abram thought that this was the son that God had promised.

Consequences of impatience can last, And things haunt us from the past,

God's time is right, perfect for all, But we must wait for His time and call.

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