Genesis Seventeen….(v.1-8, 15) God Speaks Again.
Verses 1-8, 15….
Things seem to have settled down again…Abram had his son Ishmael, and Sarai had to make do with this and still have Hagar as her maid. This seemed to be the way it was meant to be….
We often seem to have plateaus in our life where there are periods of quiet and peace, and then suddenly, boom! Something happens to shake us up! So it was with Abram and Sarai….God was now ready to do something else in their lives in His timing.
Once more God spoke directly to Abram. He told him who He was …."God Almighty", and what He expected Abram to do…. "walk before Me and be perfect (sincere with no pretence)". We too, have to realise the might, majesty and power of God and relate to Him in sincere repentance and honesty before He can bless us and lead us on.
Again, God gave Abram the same promises, but this time He changed his name to Abraham (meaning "Father of many nations") and Sarai's name to Sarah (meaning "Princess"). We too, are not only given a new name (Christian, Christ's one), but made a whole new creature to walk a new way of life with God (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Abram received from God that day, A promise and new name for alway,
"I am God, the Almighty One, Walk with Me and evil shun".
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