Chapter 16

{A/N: I just couldn't write this chapter; I got it done eventually but it seems basic and I don't like it. Sorry guys not my best work, I would even say it's my worst chapter to date. It just makes no sense, but I have no time or motivation to fix this train wreck.}

1st Pov

In front of me Black Widow pulls out a different weapon, last time I fought her she tried to hit me with a taser stick which didn't go well. Now though it seems she came geared up and is holding a long sniper looking gun with red accents down the side.

She is also wearing a different outfit and this one seems to having mechanical aids on it, checking all signals around her I find one connected to her suit and start hacking it. Whilst I discreetly hack Black Widows suit I observe Hawkeye up on the container, he also seems to have an upgraded suit with mechanical parts.

Hawkeye seems to of upgraded his arsenal as well since our last encounter and holds a heavy looking compound bow, hacking into the surface levels of their suits I'm able to connect to the twos eye wear and see they both contain advanced targeting software.

As I casually walk around the clearing both agents seem to tense up more as they turn to track my movements. Approaching the crate Hawkeye is perched upon I stand below and gaze up at him, then after weirding out Hawkeye I slowly approach Black Widow as I talk.

"Funny seeing you two here, I figured you might hide a bit more the next time we meet. I see you two had a bit of an upgrade as well and in the name of a fair fight I won't turn off your suits till after the fight." – Morgan

Hawkeye ever the quiet sniper doesn't respond to my verbal quips, Black Widow on the other hand is told specifically by her boss to try and get information out of me.

"What are you doing with the uranium." – Black Widow

Simple and to the elegant Black Widow cuts straight to the point, making a show of pondering for a bit I eventually decide to show her. Pulling out the fusion core and my robot I load the core into it, as the robot powers up I receive a system notification.

First time Creation – Quality (C+) – Reward 1230pts

Swiping the menu away I use my omni directional sight to watch Hawkeye and Natasha both who are more on guard then before. Turning around to face Natasha I wave one hand at the robot.

"The uranium goes inside a device I created called a fusion core; the fusion core is a tiny self-contained nuclear reactor capable of powering any compatible machines. I am choosing to use this fusion core to power my mining robot." – Morgan

Watching Black Widows reactions to me casually pulling a massive robot out of nowhere was hilarious but I kept my composure and didn't laugh. After my brief info drop her coms went quiet for a bit before I picked up a gruff voice communicating with her.

"What are your intentions on earth?" – Black Widow

Sighing I realise she might not be much fun to tease unless I can break her composure, quickly waving my hand the robot disappears into my inventory and I stroll at a brisk pace over to the chair I made earlier. Flopping down I decide this will be the last question I answer.

"Well, I have a few plans for earth, the first is to succeed at your capitalist game and make the best company on this planet. My second goal is to clean up the mess you humans made of your planet, seriously it's gross.

The third thing I intend to do on this planet is gather all your knowledge, the rest of my intentions you don't need to know. You can rest assured I'm not here to wipe out all you humans if that's what you thought." – Morgan

Gazing up at Hawkeye after saying that to see if he has any reaction I'm sorely disappointed. Looking at Black Widow she's frowning at whatever her boss is saying to her, sighing with a swift move Natasha places the sniper in a strap on her back before turning on the spot.

Looking up at Hawkeye he's done the same as Black Widow and is walking away, shocked, and disappointed it takes me a few seconds to realise I might not get a fight now if they leave. Standing up I shout at Black Widow as I jog around her cutting off her exit.

"Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going? I thought we were going to fight and you just turn around and walk away, I waited for you to show up." – Morgan

Tensing Black Widow seems ready to grab her weapons at a moments notice, Hawkeye up on the container has gotten into position with an arrow nocked. Looking around Black Widow seems to think before settling on using diplomacy.

"Sorry Miss alien lady my boss doesn't want me fighting you anymore, something about you being no threat and it costing to many resources to continuously chase you down." – Natasha

"Well, you won't leave then." – Morgan

Saying this I seize control of their mechanical suits and lock their movement whenever they go to leave the circle. Making my way back to the centre of the crate circle I shrink to human height and strike a martial arts stance. Making a come at me gesture Black Widow sighs before making her way over.

Dodging the first strike from a eager Black Widow I follow up with a light jab at her chest which she easily blocks, after this initial back and forth we spend the next half an hour exchanging attacks slowly speeding up the longer we fight. During this entire time, I study Black Widows moves and use her techniques to improve my own.

Finishing the fight with a strong kick Natasha runs out of stamina and slips up overextending her kick and stumbling, capitalising on her mistake I swipe out her leg causing her to fall on her back. Extending a hand to her I restore her stamina and help her to her feet.

Happy with the fight I check over our surroundings seeing nothing of interest I decide its about time I get going. Extending my wings and returning to my base height I say my goodbyes to Black Widow before taking off.

3rd Pov

Natasha hadn't been having a good few weeks, ever since an alien crashed to earth over two months ago she had been overworked. At one point she was able to find the alien who was casually walking along the beach but had her arse beat.

From an outside perspective it looked as if the alien barely noticed her and dealt with her with the same ease an adult would have dealing with a baby. After that she had requested improved gear from her boss and he had come through just in time for another agent to find the alien.

Rushing over to the location the agent transmitted, Natasha arrived only to find the alien casually lounging on a large chair surrounded by dead or unconscious bodies. Standing at a distance from the alien it jumped to its feet and started walking around.

As the alien moved it's body flexed in inhuman ways looking like it didn't have any bones, which from what Natasha knew was probably true. After a bit of walking the alien gets a bit chatty, casually mentioning how it expected her and Hawkeye to hide from it.

Receiving a direct communication from her boss Natasha receives orders to find out what its using the uranium for, masking her nervousness with years of experience Natasha directly asks the alien what it wants to do with the uranium.

Showing an uncanny impression of a pondering human the alien walks away from her a bit before stopping, casually waving its hand the alien replaces the empty space in front of it with a large three metre tall humanoid robot.

Eyes wide in shock Natasha barely notices the small round device in the aliens hand, fiddling with the insides of the robot for a bit before stepping away the alien begins to explain the purpose of the device it created while the robot powers up.

Receiving further orders through her earpiece Natasha whilst secretly thinking her boss wants hers dead asks the alien its intentions. Smiling the alien waves its hand causing the robot to disappear as it begins explaining its intentions.

Secretly composing a phycological profile for the alien in front of her Natasha is flooded with relief when her boss tells her to stand down. Apparently the higher ups decided if the alien was able to casually master nuclear fusion and wanted to join the capitalist society it was best to let it be.

Beside if they could figure out which company the alien creates then they could control it through the market. Sheathing her sniper over her shoulder Natasha turns around intent to get out of there as quick as possible, only to pale when the alien appears less than a metre in front of her.

After asking for a fight the alien moves back to its chair and seems to wait, shrinking down till its around 172cm in height. Attempting to leave Natasha feels like punching whichever engineer designed her suit as it locks up. Attempting to leave a few more time Natasha realizes she's at the aliens mercy.

Rushing in and starting the fight Natasha tries to get it finished as quick as possible, half an hour later Natasha is stuck on the ground panting after the alien took her down. Grabbing the aliens extended hand Natasha feels something enter her as her energy returns.

Shaking off her hand Natasha is glad when the alien finally seems happy and leaves.

1st Pov

Flying back to my house I destroy all the bugs Black Widow planted on me during our fight, landing outside my house I mentally order a few tons of material to be delivered to me. Whilst waiting for the materials I begin making a few spare fusion cores.

Flitting around my house I move from project to project, using the materials in my inventory I design and construct some small construction robots. Each robot is about 30cm tall and is connected with a polymer cord to a larger control bot.

All the robots are designed to look like ants and are capable of mining with the mining drill in their mouths and assembling materials similar to a 3D printer using their antennas. Making three of these construction hives I mentally load a specialised program into them.

With a small effort I easily buy the permits for the land around me, over time this location had grown on me and I had decided to build my house here permanently. Sending my construction hives outside I activate their programming and they begin levelling and tunnelling the surrounding terrain.

For my next project I upload all the completed games to my computer, at the moment I'm not able to upload any of my larger or more complex games so I upload the more basic games. Later on, I plan to modify part of my factory to assemble a new gaming console I've designed.

Hearing a knock at my door I take my human form and open the door; on the other side of the door, I see Spider-man nervously looking around next to him I see a very happy looking Dr Connors wearing a light green sundress.

Opening the door and inviting them inside Spider-man cautiously follows me in whilst Dr Connors happily hops around the room, a bit confused by Dr Connors reactions in general I discreetly check the description for the Gender Change Potion.

Seeing nothing about personality changes in the potions description I double check the modifications I made to the Lizard serum, not seeing anything that would cause massive personality changes I'm left a bit stumped.

Guiding them towards the couch I grab some drinks before sitting down. Turning to Spider-man who still seems nervous I assure him he's at the right place, turning to Dr Connors who is still super hyper and is acting like a kid with too much sugar I offer them the gender change potion.

Instantly turning me down I see nearly no hesitation in their actions, I'm starting to think it might not have been something I did that changed their personality. Deciding not to bother with Dr Connors hyper personality for the moment I decide to instead introduce myself to my two guests.

"Hello Spider-man and Dr Connors you can call me Morgan, thank you for visiting." – Morgan

"Hi Morgan, you can call me Cortessa or Tessa for short!, how did you fix the lizard serum? – Dr Connor

"Hello Morgan, are you the one who invited us?" – Spider-Man

I can safely conclude I didn't change Tessa's personality; it seems she might have always been like this. Ignoring her question for a bit I instead return to my base form at human height to confirm Spider-man's question.

The reason I invited him and Tessa was because I intended to invite the two of them to my company, after seeing Spider-mans suit during his fight with the Lizard I realised this version of him might be one of the incredibly smart ones that actually use their brain.

And Tessa was able to single handedly create the Lizard serum easily showing her intellect.

"The answer to your question Spider-man, is yes I did invite you. I wanted to invite the two of you to come work at my company and to offer Tessa the anti-serum, though it seems Tessa might not want it." – Morgan

Mumbling the last part, Spider-man seems to really consider my offer. Tessa at this point has wondered off somewhere, I'll have to find her later. Standing up Spider-man walks towards my window before turning and talking to me.

"Why would you offer me a Job? How do I even know I can trust you or your company?" – Spider-man

"You can trust me because if I wanted to ruin your life or kill you I could have easily done it already, besides, I've already figured out your identity. Isn't that right Peter Parker." – Morgan

{A/N: WTF did I write.}

Saying my piece, I project all the data I'd gathered on Spider-man's real identity onto the board next to him. I already knew his identity way before hand due to having meta knowledge but it's easier to convince him if I have proof.

As a bonus I summon back one of my construction hives, making it grab Tessa on its way back so she doesn't fiddle with my computers. Spider-man seeing the large robot with smaller ant like robots connected to it enter the room holding Tessa is immediately on guard.

Stepping in front of the robot as it lowers Tessa I introduce it to Peter.

"This here Peter is one of the reasons you should trust my company, I call this robot a construction hive. It is capable of easily tunnelling, levelling, reinforcing, and building nearly anything. This is just one of many projects that will be available to the public soon once my new factories are completed.

And you Peter and Tessa have the chance to join me in improving this worlds technology, Peter if you join my company I understand your commitment to being Spider-man and will pay you based on contributions rather than by the hour so you can choose your hours." – Morgan

Saying my piece to Peter I leave him for a bit to ponder my offer, next I address Tessa.

"Cortessa if you join me I can offer you the funding and equipment Oscorp never wanted to. With my support I believe you can make a medicine capable of healing the world." – Morgan

"Haven't you already made that medicine? You fixed the Lizard serum its perfect now, it heals people and makes them stronger." – Tessa

"I understand where you're coming from but I didn't fix the serum, I just fixed a few mistakes in your formula it is still far from perfect." – Morgan

Understanding Tessa's doubts, I explain to her the situation and she gives me a positive nod.

"Okay I agree to join your company, I never liked Oscorp and if you can give me the funding I need I'll happily join you." – Tessa

Smiling happily, I extend my hand to seal the deal with Cortessa, I also begin working on an employment contract with another thought train and print it once complete.

As we finalise our agreement Peter seems to come to a decision, walking over Peter takes off his mask and extends his hand to me. Grasping his hand Peter shakes it whilst speaking.

"I've decided if you would have me in your company I would be happy to join, I'll apologise in advance for my bad hours but I'll thank you for your understanding." – Peter

Grinning ear to ear after successfully hiring one of the most intelligent Marvel characters I print out a employment contract for him as well. Releasing his hand my company officially grows, now I just need to find some others before fate takes a hold of them.

The first on my list of potential recruits is one Dr Otto Octavius, I hope he enjoys better funding.