Chapter 23: “Cluckpocalypse Now”

The massive chicken stepped out of the barn, its beady eyes glinting with rage. Feathers floated ominously in the air like snowflakes, and its clucks echoed through the village, each one vibrating with unbridled fury.

"This is it," Kazuya said, tightening his grip on his makeshift spear (read: a broom handle he grabbed in panic). "Do or die."

"You're going to fight it with a broom?" Mika asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Got any better ideas?"

"I have this," Mika said, brandishing her sword, its blade gleaming in the sunlight.

"Oh, sure, rub it in," Kazuya muttered.

Lyria floated beside them, looking entirely too pleased with herself. "Relax. I have a plan!"

"Oh no," Mika groaned. "Not another plan."

"This one's foolproof!" Lyria said.

"Your last foolproof plan got us chased through an entire village by a homicidal chicken!" Mika snapped.

"This one involves explosions," Lyria said smugly.

Mika sighed. "Why am I not surprised?"

The Battle Begins

The chicken clucked loudly, puffing out its chest and flapping its wings so hard that a gust of wind knocked Kazuya off balance.

"Is it just me, or does it look bigger than before?" he asked, scrambling to his feet.

"It's not bigger; you're just a coward," Mika said, charging forward with a battle cry.

The chicken met her head-on, its massive beak clashing against her sword. Sparks flew as she deflected its attacks, ducking and weaving like a pro.

Meanwhile, Kazuya awkwardly poked at the chicken's side with his broom.

"Take that! And that!" he yelled, jabbing furiously.

The chicken glanced at him, unimpressed, and swatted him aside with a flick of its wing.

"I'm okay!" Kazuya groaned from where he landed in a pile of hay.

Lyria's "Foolproof" Plan

While Mika kept the chicken occupied, Lyria started scribbling magical runes in the dirt.

"What are you doing?" Kazuya asked, limping over.

"Setting up a chicken trap," Lyria said, smirking.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end horribly?"

"Because you lack imagination," Lyria said, tossing a handful of glowing powder onto the runes. They lit up with an ominous blue light.

"What's the plan, exactly?"

"When I say 'go,' you and Mika lure the chicken onto this rune. Then, boom!"

"Boom?" Kazuya repeated, alarmed.

"Boom!" Lyria confirmed, clapping her hands together for emphasis.

The Clucktrap

"Mika! Bring it over here!" Lyria yelled.

Mika glanced over her shoulder, sweat dripping down her face. "I'm a little busy not dying right now!"

"Trust me!" Lyria shouted.

"Why do I even bother?" Mika muttered. With a swift kick, she launched a nearby barrel at the chicken, momentarily distracting it. Then she sprinted toward the glowing runes.

"Hey, featherbrain!" Kazuya yelled, waving his arms to get the chicken's attention. "Over here!"

The chicken clucked angrily, its gaze snapping to Kazuya.

"Oh no," he muttered.

The chicken charged.

The Explosion

Just as the chicken stepped onto the runes, Lyria shouted, "Now!"

A blinding flash of light erupted from the ground, followed by a deafening explosion. The force sent Kazuya and Mika flying, landing in a heap several feet away.

When the dust settled, the chicken stood in the middle of a smoking crater, looking singed but otherwise unharmed.

"Are you kidding me?!" Mika yelled.

Lyria blinked, clearly stunned. "Huh. That usually works."

The chicken clucked menacingly, its feathers now glowing faintly with magical energy.

"Great," Kazuya groaned. "Now it's radioactive."

The Final Push

"I've had enough of this!" Mika shouted, picking up her sword and charging again.

Kazuya, not wanting to be left out, grabbed his broom and followed. "For glory!"

Lyria sighed. "I guess I'll help." She conjured a fireball and hurled it at the chicken, which finally seemed to flinch.

Mika's sword slashed through one of the chicken's wings, while Kazuya whacked it over the head with his broom.

"Did that actually work?" he asked, stunned.

The chicken swayed, then let out one final, defeated cluck before collapsing in a puff of feathers.

Victory (Sort Of)

The trio stood over the fallen chicken, panting and covered in soot and feathers.

"Well, that was ridiculous," Mika said, wiping her sword clean.

"You're welcome," Lyria said, clearly taking credit for the victory.

"You almost got us killed!" Mika snapped.

"Details," Lyria said with a shrug.

Kazuya sat down heavily, shaking feathers out of his hair. "Can we please leave this village now?"

"Agreed," Mika said, glaring at the villagers, who were already setting up another giant chicken statue in the square.

As they trudged out of Clucksville, Kazuya looked back at the chaos they'd left behind. "You know, I think I hate chickens now."

"I've hated them since we got here," Mika muttered.

"And yet," Lyria said, grinning, "this will make a great story for the bards."