Meet Kazuya Tanaka, an underachieving college student with dreams of mediocrity. One day, while snoozing through another boring lecture, he accidentally opens a mysterious app on his phone. Suddenly, Kazuya is transported to another world—a realm where gods and mythical creatures co-exist, but there's a problem: the gods are all hilariously dysfunctional, and the realm is in chaos.
look promising novels man I am laughing at these funny chapters 🤣😂 man
look 👀 great 😃 better than today cringe novels 😁😂
well this novel is funny as hell with twist of action
writing quality is too good 👍😊 man this novel is better than today cringe novels 😔😐
well look promising ☺️😜 man this novel look too good
look too much good laughing non stop like no tomorrow
this novel is gem if you want to read funny action novel this novel is only for you and some smut is added also[img=recommend] [img=strong][img=thinking]