The journey to the Labyrinth of Laughter began with sticky clothes, a dubious map, and morale that ranged from Sylvara's uncontainable excitement to Kazuya's perpetual state of resigned exasperation. The Recipe of Eternity had promised trials that would challenge their joy, but none of them were ready for the absurdity that awaited.
Arrival at the Labyrinth
The labyrinth's entrance was a massive, grinning stone face carved into the side of a hill. Its wide, toothy grin stretched unnervingly, and its eyes followed them as they approached.
"Is it just me, or does this place look like it knows something we don't?" Kazuya muttered.
Sylvara giggled. "It's supposed to be fun, Kazuya! Lighten up!"
Ravynne raised an eyebrow. "You realize that every time you say 'fun,' something catastrophic happens, right?"
Sylvara ignored her and skipped toward the entrance. As they stepped inside, the mouth closed behind them with a loud snap, plunging them into darkness.
The Laughing Shadows
Magical torches flickered to life, revealing walls covered in comedic carvings: stick figures slipping on banana peels, dragons tripping over their own tails, and exaggeratedly angry chickens chasing terrified knights.
The first challenge appeared quickly—a massive floor puzzle with tiles marked by various emojis. A sign floated in the air, reading: "Step only on the funniest tiles. Fail, and face the tickling feathers of doom."
Kazuya groaned. "Feathers? Really? This place has an obsession with birds."
"Let me handle this!" Sylvara declared confidently. She hopped onto a tile with a laughing face emoji.
The labyrinth approved, letting out a deep, chuckling hum.
Encouraged, Sylvara danced across the tiles, stepping only on the laughing ones. But when she reached the end, she turned and called, "Your turn!"
Kazuya cautiously stepped onto a tile with a grinning emoji. The floor shook, and a cloud of magical feathers descended, tickling him mercilessly.
"Stop! I'm sorry! I'll laugh, okay?!" Kazuya cried between gasps.
Sylvara burst out laughing, wiping tears from her eyes. "Oh, Kazuya, you're so bad at this!"
The Jester's Playground
After surviving the puzzle (and more tickling than Kazuya cared to admit), they entered a room filled with life-sized marionettes of jesters. Each one held a riddle or joke written on a scroll.
One jester creaked to life, its head swiveling unnaturally. "Answer this riddle, and you may pass: What has feathers but cannot fly, tickles but never dies?"
Kazuya groaned. "Why is everything feathers with this place?!"
"A pillow!" Sylvara exclaimed.
The jester clapped its wooden hands, and the door creaked open. But before they could move on, Ravynne snatched one of the scrolls.
"'Why did the chicken cross the road?'" she read aloud. "To avoid this stupid labyrinth."
Kazuya smirked. "Finally, a joke I can appreciate."
The Room of Forced Laughter
The final chamber of the labyrinth was the most diabolical yet: a massive hall filled with floating, glowing faces that told terrible puns in an endless loop.
"What's a skeleton's favorite snack? RIBS! HAHAHA!"
"Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! HOHOHO!"
The faces burst into uproarious laughter after every punchline, the sound so loud it vibrated through the room.
"This is torture,"