Chapter 176: “Mount Omelette’s Scrambled Trials”

The base of Mount Omelette was somehow more surreal than the Hashbrown Highlands. Giant eggs balanced precariously on cliffs, threatening to roll down at any moment. Rivers of cheese fondue trickled down rocky paths, and the air carried the faint but ever-present scent of sizzling butter.

Kazuya stared up at the peak. "Of course, the mountain smells delicious. This whole world is a fever dream."

Sylvara rolled her eyes but smirked. "Just wait until we actually climb it. I'm sure it'll get worse."

Quackleton squawked indignantly, pointing a wing at a nearby sign: "Beware the Scrambled Trials. Only the chosen may ascend." Beneath the warning was a crude depiction of an omelet-shaped monster with beady eyes and menacing tendrils of melted cheese.

"Scrambled trials?" Ravynne frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Before anyone could answer, the ground shook, and a massive boulder-sized egg came tumbling down the path.

"Run!" Brioche shouted, grabbing Kazuya by the back of his shirt and dragging him out of the way.

The egg crashed into the ground behind them, shattering to reveal... an army of baby omelets, each one armed with a miniature frying pan.

"I refuse to believe this is real," Kazuya groaned, dodging as one of the omelets swung its pan at his shin.

"Believe it!" Brioche yelled, smashing one omelet with her baguette-sword. It splattered into gooey bits, only for two more to rise from the mess. "These things are multiplying!"

The First Trial: The Egg Balancing Act

The group fought their way through the omelet army, finally reaching a rickety wooden bridge that led up to the next part of the mountain. The bridge swayed ominously in the breeze, and at the far end stood a figure dressed in a chef's hat and apron.

"Who dares approach Mount Omelette?!" the figure bellowed. His voice echoed dramatically, despite the fact that he was holding a whisk like it was a weapon.

"We're here to defeat the Hashbrown Overlord!" Kazuya shouted back. "So if you could kindly let us pass—"

The chef cut him off with a laugh. "Oh, it's not that simple! To ascend the mountain, you must prove yourselves worthy by completing the Scrambled Trials!"

Kazuya groaned. "Why can't anything ever be simple?"

The chef gestured to a series of precariously stacked egg crates behind him. "Your first trial: balance an egg on a spoon and carry it to the other side of the bridge without dropping it. Fail, and you'll be pelted with raw eggs for eternity!"

"That's ridiculous," Sylvara said. "We don't have time for this!"

"Rules are rules," the chef said, handing each of them a spoon and an egg. "Begin!"

The group exchanged exasperated glances but complied, carefully balancing their eggs as they stepped onto the swaying bridge.

Hilarity Ensues

Quackleton immediately cheated by placing his egg in his beak and waddling confidently across the bridge. The chef tried to call foul (pun intended), but the duck gave him a glare so intimidating he backed off.

Ravynne, ever the perfectionist, managed to keep her egg steady, but not without grumbling. "I swear, if I survive this quest, I'm banning eggs from my diet forever."

Brioche's egg, on the other hand, seemed determined to leap off her spoon. She resorted to whispering motivational quotes to it. "You're a strong little egg. You've got this. Stay with me!"

Kazuya, naturally, had the worst luck. A gust of wind nearly knocked him off the bridge, and his egg teetered dangerously on the edge of his spoon. "Why is this so hard?!"

Sylvara smirked, easily balancing her egg with one hand while twirling her spoon like a baton. "Need some help, chosen one?"

"I'm fine!" Kazuya snapped, just as his egg finally gave up and plummeted into the abyss below.

The chef cackled and snapped his fingers, summoning a torrent of raw eggs that pelted Kazuya mercilessly.

"This is the dumbest trial ever!" Kazuya yelled, wiping yolk out of his hair.

The Second Trial: Cheese Fondue Madness

After everyone (except Quackleton) barely passed the first trial, the chef led them to the next challenge: crossing a river of molten cheese fondue using nothing but breadsticks as stepping stones.

"Okay, I'm calling it," Sylvara said. "This isn't a trial. This is just an elaborate joke."

"Tell that to the breadsticks," Ravynne muttered, eyeing the flimsy-looking pieces of bread.

The group took turns hopping across the breadsticks, but the river wasn't their only obstacle. Giant croutons floated menacingly in the cheese, occasionally springing to life and snapping at their ankles.

Kazuya narrowly avoided being bitten by a particularly aggressive crouton, only to slip and land face-first in the cheese. He emerged moments later, covered in gooey cheddar and looking utterly defeated.

"You okay?" Sylvara asked, trying (and failing) to suppress her laughter.

"No," Kazuya replied flatly. "I am very much not okay."

The Final Trial: The Omelet Duel

At long last, the group reached the peak of Mount Omelette, where the Hashbrown Overlord awaited them. But before they could challenge him, they had to face one final trial: a duel against the Mountain's guardian, a sentient omelet the size of a boulder.

The omelet floated ominously in the air, its eyes glowing with molten cheese fury.

"This is it," Brioche said, raising her baguette-sword. "The final trial."

The battle was chaotic, to say the least. The omelet attacked by launching globs of cheese and hurling sizzling pieces of sausage at them.

Sylvara managed to deflect a barrage of sausage with her staff, while Ravynne peppered the omelet with arrows. Brioche charged headfirst into the fray, slicing at the omelet's gooey exterior with her sword.

Kazuya, still covered in cheese from the previous trial, slipped on a stray sausage and landed flat on his back.

"Why is it always me?!" he yelled, scrambling to his feet.

To Be Continued...

As the battle raged on, the group couldn't help but wonder what new absurdity awaited them after the trials. One thing was certain: their journey through the Land of Brunch was far from over.