Chapter 202: “The Omelette Rebellion”

The group trudged down the yolk-stained road, still dripping with the aftermath of their explosive battle with the Yolkenator. Every step squished, and Kazuya grimaced with every sound.

"I swear, if I never see another egg in my life, it'll be too soon," Kazuya muttered, scraping goo off his boot.

Ravynne snorted, spinning her rapier lazily. "Don't jinx it. You know how our lives work. Mention anything, and boom—next thing you know, we're fighting sentient bacon strips."

Sylvara, still eerily calm despite having egg yolk in her hair, pointed ahead. "You may not be far off. Look."

The path split into two directions. One road was marked by charred earth and faint smoke spiraling into the air. The other was marked by banners fluttering in the breeze—flags embroidered with a greasy strip of bacon crossed over a sunny-side-up egg.

"Okay, no," Kazuya said, throwing his hands up. "Nope. I'm not doing this. I'm not dealing with—"

"An Omelette Rebellion?" Ravynne cut in, smirking. "Because that's clearly what this is."

Quackleton quacked ominously from his perch on Kazuya's shoulder.

A Dangerous Divide

As the group debated their next move, a high-pitched yell shattered the tension. "FOR THE GLORY OF THE BACON EMPIRE!"

From the smoke-covered road burst a swarm of… bacon warriors. Each strip was about five feet tall, their edges crispy and sizzling with a low hum. They were armed with weapons forged from forks and butter knives, their movements strangely coordinated for breakfast meats.

Kazuya's jaw dropped. "What is WRONG with this world?!"

"Stand down, foul meats!" came another shout from the opposite road. Charging forward, a squadron of egg knights stormed onto the scene, their glossy armor shining in the sunlight. They were led by an especially large Egglord, his yolk pulsing with righteous fury.

The two armies collided in a chaotic clash of sizzling bacon and splattering egg. It was both horrifying and strangely appetizing to watch.

Stuck in the Crossfire

Caught between the bacon and egg armies, the group scrambled to avoid getting caught in the food fight of the century.

"What do we do?" Kazuya yelled, ducking as a bacon warrior swung a butter knife at him.

Sylvara calmly deflected an egg spear with her staff. "We need to find the source of their conflict and stop it."

"Or," Ravynne said, dodging a stray yolk grenade, "we could just leave and pretend this never happened."

"Quack!" Quackleton protested indignantly, flapping his wings.

"I think that's a no from him," Kazuya said. "Alright, fine. Let's stop the food war. How hard can it be?"

The Bacon General

They pushed through the battlefield, dodging sizzling attacks and eggy explosions, until they reached the Bacon Empire's side of the fight. At the center of their formation stood a towering figure: the Bacon General. He was a seven-foot-tall strip of bacon with a blackened edge and a mustache made of parsley.

"WHO DARES TRESPASS ON BACON TERRITORY?!" the General boomed, pointing a fork at them.

Ravynne snickered. "You've got parsley for a mustache. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously?"

The Bacon General puffed up, his edges crackling with fury. "INSOLENCE! FOR THAT, YOU SHALL BE—"

Before he could finish, Quackleton launched himself off Kazuya's shoulder and landed squarely on the General's mustache. With a single decisive quack, the duck ripped the parsley mustache clean off.

The General let out a high-pitched scream, clutching at his now-bare face. "MY POWER! MY GLORIOUS POWER!"

"...His power was in his parsley mustache?" Kazuya asked, dumbfounded.

"Don't question it," Sylvara said, stepping forward. "Bacon General, why are you fighting the Egglords?"

"They started it!" the General wailed, still cradling his nonexistent mustache. "Those pompous yolks refused to share the syrup rations!"

The Egglords' Side

With the Bacon General incapacitated, the group crossed enemy lines to speak with the Egglords. Their leader, the Grand Eggvocate, stood in the middle of a pile of bacon bits, holding a spatula like a scepter.

"What brings you to our side of the battlefield, outsiders?" the Grand Eggvocate asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

"We're here to stop this ridiculous war," Sylvara said.

The Grand Eggvocate scoffed. "Ridiculous? This is a noble war, waged for justice and syrup equity!"

"It's syrup. You're fighting over syrup," Kazuya said, rubbing his temples. "Do you hear yourselves?"

"It's not just any syrup!" the Eggvocate snapped. "It's the legendary Maple Ambrosia, said to grant unimaginable power to whoever controls it!"

"Let me guess," Ravynne said dryly. "It's in a ridiculously well-guarded location that only the Chosen One can reach?"

The Eggvocate hesitated. "Well… yes."

The Syrup Summit

Realizing they'd need to mediate a truce, the group called for a temporary ceasefire and gathered the leaders of both armies for negotiations. The Bacon General and the Grand Eggvocate sat across from each other at a makeshift table made of toast, glaring daggers.

"This is never going to work," Kazuya muttered.

Sylvara placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "Have faith."

The negotiations quickly devolved into a shouting match, with both sides hurling increasingly absurd insults. ("Your yolks are overcooked!" "Your edges are too crispy!")

Finally, Quackleton slammed his webbed foot on the table, silencing the room. With a series of authoritative quacks, he laid out a compromise: the syrup would be shared equally between the Bacon Empire and the Egglords, with strict supervision to ensure fairness.

The leaders begrudgingly agreed, and the Syrup Summit ended with a toast (literally).

To Be Continued…

As the group left the battlefield, Kazuya sighed in relief. "I can't believe that actually worked."

"Never underestimate the power of Quackleton," Sylvara said, smirking.

"Can we go one week without getting involved in a food-based apocalypse?" Ravynne grumbled.

Quackleton quacked smugly, his feathers shining in the sunlight. The adventure, it seemed, was far from over.