
The emporer asked me while examining my body

"I am fine father just a little inconvenience in moving"

"It's good to hear that you are fine. Now go to our room and yes, I know you are a bit confused about your hair, but don't worry everything is fine, so don't think too much about it. When the time comes, you will understand how and why your hair has changed it's colour?"

The Emporer finished his talk and started to leave. But a question from me stopped him.

"Father I wanted to ask you something".

The Emperor looked at me strangely. I did not know what happened but I was not feeling good looking at his face and he didn't make me wait for long and asked the question that was on his mind.

"Christopher, are you okay? you feel a little different to me,

Don't get angry, listen to what I am saying. if the previous Christopher wanted something, he will just snatch it. He will not ask for it, It seems like everything that has happened is affecting your head as well. It's okay, no problem I am liking this new one. And yes, You can ask me, I am all ears."

"I will be leaving palace and going out for a few days".

Emperor was visibly shocked hearing this.

"Why so suddenly? is there something on your mind?"

He asked trying to understand my thoughts, but I knew explanation was not something this person would ever do so I just had to dodge it,

"I have something to do and It would take some time for me to return but I can assure you of one thing emporer, when I return, your son will be out of your shadow. He will not need your support in this game of thrones, you will see a new me one who is worthy of the throne".

I called him Emperor instead of father and assured him that I will try my best to become capable and about how serious I was. The emperor was visibly happy to hear me. There was a small smile on his face. He gave me permission to go.

We ended this little conversation and I left for my room.

I lay down on my luxurious bed and started thinking about what to do next. I am already heading out and me going out may give too much advantage to my elder brother. To stop him from overstepping the boundaries I have an ally here to stop him but, the real challenge here is how do I stop her from using her brain?

When the question came to my mind? A smile automatically graced my face. My ally here was a girl and who was that girl, the same girl with black hair, and that girl is already in love with this person. Then I just have to adjust the situation a little and everything will be under my control.

There was a bell near my bed which I rang and a servant came to me. Without looking at him I told him to bring the Ministry of Magic over.

He replied with a "Yes your higness" and went to call her After a while Wellesley stood in front of me.

Looking at her up close, I could give her a wooping 99 out of 100 what a body, her curves were just making me mad, On earth she with no doubt would have been placed at the top among all the models, heroines and also the women I slept with.

"Your highness"

She greeted with a bow, and was looking at me her eyes full of concern, I didn't answer her greeting but climbed off my bed and going to her I enveloped her in a tight hug. Welsly was surprised by my actione and called me out softly, " Your, highness"

" Shh...."

I didn't let her move away and hugged her even more tightly.

Wellesley was shocked to see my actions. What could that poor girl do? Till today, she was in love with a man and that man did not even look at her. His only focus was on how he could get her to do his work. He never loved her at all.

Initially she thought hat someday the person would start loving her and as time passed, she was on the verge of lossing that hope. But when he hugged her today, for the first time her hope for his love grew.

All this was going on in the Wellesley's mind and then Christopher took his nose towards Wellesley's collarbone and started inhaling her body's fragrance.

When Wellesley sensed this action, her body flinched, she began to feel that something was wrong. But before she could ask him, Christopher told her, "I missed you Welsly"

and those words made Welsly feel as if the world has was stopped, She did not reply to Christopher's words. But hugged him in return. She didn't say it out but those words were the only thing she wanted to hear from him for the many days of uis absence.

On the other hand, There were a lot of things going on in Christopher's mind, The first thing is that the girl who was standing before him was madly in love with him. If he does not love her in return, she can burn down this country.

And the second thing was, how should he tell her that he was going out and wouldn't return for who knows how many days?

And the third thing is that he does not know whether the protagonist has come to this world or not. If he has come, then how far has he reached and how far have all his preparations reached? And the fourth thing was that if he and the protagonist came face to face then how would he escape? And the fifth point was that he cannot become the king of this country with the help of Wellesley alone. He will need more friends and how will he make those friends?

Many other things were going on in his mind and he was thinking about all this, he didn't know how many hours had passed.

A servant came in and seeing them embracing each other, he lowered his head and said, "Your higness, dinner is ready, would you like to eat?"