Accompany me

A servant came in and seeing them embracing each other, he lowered his head and said, "Your higness, dinner is ready, would you like to eat?"

Hearing the servant's words, Wellesley and Christopher separated from each other and Christopher cleared his throat and scolded the servant, "You have gone mad. Don't you know how to knock?"

Wellesley could not say anything due to the embarassment and turned her gaze in the other direction. But her eyes were repeatedly stole glances at Christopher and she saw that Christopher's ears were red.

Wellesley started laughing after seeing this.

Hearing Wellesley laughter, Christopher and that servant started looking at her. Both of them did not know what was happening. Christopher ignored her laughter and asked her, "hungry?"

Wellesley did not understand Christopher's question at first. Truth to be told it was not that she didn't understand his words, rather she was surprised by his words that she didn't know how to react, they never ate together because of the difference in their social status and now when Christopher was asking her about food, she was delighted and nodded her head in affirmative.

Christopher looked at the servant and asked him to bring the food here. Christopher and Wellesley sat down to eat and Christopher began cutting the meat into small pieces and he started serving them to Wellesley plate. Sometimes he fed Wellesley with his hands.

Wesley felt deep inside that something was wrong with this person who never talked to me properly till date and today he is suddenly feeding me food and that too with his own hands.

She was wondering how a person could change so much in one day? Because she knew that Christopher or the rest of the nobility would give a lot of importance to the discipline and etiquette and feeding others can be considered as a severe breach of etiquette which were drilled into his head since childhood.

Wellesley thought within herself 'I don't know what's on his mind but whatever is happening, let's just end it now. First I have to ask. What happened to him and why was he behaving so differently all of a sudden?'

Christopher, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on in Wellesley's mind as he himself was busy with another different battle that was going on between him and the voice inside his head.

"What a bastard you are, First you were practically clinging to her and now you are feeding her food. You have no manners!"

The voice inside him said and in reply Christopher said, "Yes yes, I am the fool, I am not even a human being, I do all the wrong things and what were you? were a great man? a truthful person?"

"Whatever I am doing , it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong? The only thing matters is why? And as you know I am doing this for our safety, for our future, so you just shut your mouth and let me do my thing"

Christopher was talking in his mind about the spoon fell from his hands.

Wellesley was still thinking in her mind whether she should say something or not? Saw this and decided it was time and asked Christopher, "Your Highness, are you okay, I mean I am asking. Don't take it the wrong way. Looking at you it seems that you are not there? I feel as if someone else has taken your place...."

Christopher didn't say anything and he just looked at table not even bothering to nod his head Wellesley didn't see this and continued her talk assuming the other person was listening, "I know Christopher better than anyone else, He has never talked to me in such gentle way before, like you did today. He has never hugged me so lovingly before, like you did today. He can never caste his arrogance aside and feed anyone, like you did today. Whatever you have done, Christopher can never do it, that Christopher could never do all this except for one reason and that will be a task, and that task ought to be something no one else can do, except me. If that's why you're doing all this then please you don't have to do all this. Like I told you before, I can do anything for you."

Wellesley said all this from her heart and the tears in her eyes were proof of his truthfulness.

On the other hand, Christopher was having a headache due to the battle going on in his brain and he could not listen to the Wellesley properly and held his head.

Wellesley who thought, Christopher was listening to everything she was saying understood he didn't when she turned her head after not getting any reaction and saw that Christopher was sitting holding his head, she realized that Christopher was not feeling well, she forgot everything she was saying and hurriedly asked "your highness, are you okay?"

Christopher opened his eyes with great difficulty and looked at her and said. "Yes, yes, I am fine. I just had a slight headache. Don't worry. It will go away in a little while. I will be fine."

Wellesley immediately understand that Christopher was not feeling well and needed rest. So she did not continue her talk and started helping Christopher to bed and made him lie down.

After helping Christopher lie down, Wellesley was on her way to call for some servants to assist his higness in changing his clothes and stay by his side in case he needed anything, but before she could even take a step. Christopher grabbed her hand from behind and said, "Accompany me"