Tears in the Dark

"Not too shady, eh?" Zaroth asked as he flashed a smile at Midnight.

She nodded silently.

He had managed to get her to agree to take a short stroll through the park after the tournament's fight, so both of them were currently enjoying the clean air

"Hey, if you are free, we can -"

"Actually I am busy today so I can't, sorry," Midnight cut him off before he could even finish the sentence.

He raised an eyebrow, "Is it because you are wondering if you should see me?"

Her face got a bit red, "I mean, when I am with you I'm not sure how to feel."

Zaroth sighed as he glanced at the sky, "It's okay, I get it. I am not a demon, so I can only imagine what perception you have of humans, since your childhood."

She laughed weakly, "Well, let's say we haven't been taught to see humans in a positive light…"