"So yeah, in short, I won the fifth round and I have advanced to the sixth," Zaroth sighed as he glanced around the table. He was having lunch with his friends.
"Isn't it quite weird how it's always you the first to get a fight in the rounds before us?" Zack pointed out.
"Maybe they have some system for deciding, like based on names? That could explain it," Lily theorized.
"Honestly, I'm getting sick of these fights. I want them to be over soon," Roran sighed as he leaned back in his chair.
"What? It isn't exciting at all?" Zaroth raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, pretty much, at least until now they have been relatively weak," Roran complained.
"Well..." Zaroth grinned, "In a few hours comes the Live Combat Practice, right? Well... do you remember when I told you that Silverfang evolves? Well, recently his evolution was completed."
"That's good, I want to try and fight him," Lily spoke.
Roran grimaced.