Silent Training

Opening the door, Roderic walked into the room. He grimaced as the smell of blood reached his nostrils.

Shifting his gaze, he saw the four students fighting against one another, trying their best to kill each other as always.

He clapped with his hands loudly to announce his entry.

"Alright, this is enough! The class has ended!" He felt a slight regret as he would have liked to let the young ones fight each other as long as possible, thus becoming stronger, but unfortunately, his boss, Elysia, was right. There was a real danger of dying from overexertion.

Hearing his words, the four students collapsed on the ground as they felt the room heal their wounds.

"So? How did I do?" Zaroth asked weakly as he shifted his gaze to Roran.

Roran smiled, "Not bad considering this was the first time you used two weapons at once, but your coordination is a mess. You'll have to work on that."