Breaking the Routine

With a grunt, Zaroth opened his eyes.

It was another day.

"Oh, I really don't want to get up!" he complained as he massaged his forehead.

The bed that he spent a small fortune on was good… too damned good! Now, Zaroth had to fight abattle each morning he woke up, as he didn't want to get up.

The softness of the mattress was simply perfect, as it embraced his body, making him not want to get up.

"Stand up, honey."

Hearing the alluring voice of Luna, he grimaced, 'Oh, she is going to bother me ag—'

He couldn't finish his thought as his nostrils smelled something delicious, so naturally, his eyes followed the scent.

Unintentionally, his mouth opened a bit in awe as he struggled to contain his emotions.

In front of him was Luna, wearing a simple black apron that was tight around her body. But the thing that excited him wasn't the apron itself, but rather the fact that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.