After the lectures were over, they went out to buy fishing rods. Zaroth, despite spending a lot of his money on the bed as well as in the bar, still had a lot left over, so he didn't have a problem buying one of the most premium fishing rods.
"So? Where are we supposed to go now?" Lily asked.
"Well, we bought the fishing rods as well as the bait, so I guess it's time we went and found a river."
Because they wanted some peace and quiet, they exited the capital. It didn't take them long until they spotted a nice-looking river in the forest.
Zaroth observed his surroundings to make sure that they were alone, but not a single human was in sight, so it was safe to assume that nothing was following them. Of course, that didn't mean that he was going to let his guard down.
Zack took a deep breath as he sat on a large rock and shifted his gaze to the river.