Chapter 38

Chapter 38

The Lie & The Truth

Part 1

Mom, Shane, and Kerry decided to take me home and put me to bed; So, they had thought until the Bishop stopped them. Almost yelling to get Mom and Dad's attention. Which wasn't easy by any means as everyone at once tried to shake Mom and Dad's hand, telling them how strong they felt the spirit today because of them. I was lucky to avoid being trampled as Shane blocked them from getting to me, telling me to wait as the crowd died down, sitting with Kerry with her arm around my shoulders.

I watched as the Bishop pushed forward, shaking hands in the crowd as he parted the sea of people. He breathed a sigh of relief having reached his destination tapping Dad on the shoulder. "Mrs. and Mrs. Rothwell my I congratulate you and your family in sharing such a fine testimony. If you would permit me some-time today. I would like to visit with you and your family shall I say this afternoon about three o'clock. In the meantime, may I walk you to Sunday school and we can talk on the way?"

Dad said almost in a low growl. "I am afraid not Bishop, as you can see my son is quite ill. His mother and I feel it would be best if we take him home. So, she can attend to him," taking my hand as we made our way toward the doors. Now that chapel had cleared out some. Again, the Bishop stopping them as he stands in front of them. Dad tries to walk past him unsuccessfully.

Bishop once more resting his hand on my shoulder asking if it would be all right if my older sister Kerry took me home and he would stop by later and check on me? I nodded. It would be fine, providing Dad and Mom approved. Bishop addressing them. "I see no reason Shane and Kerry couldn't attend to the boy in your absence. I see no need that he needs to come back while you spend just a little time with me. Are you afraid that your son would run off in the state he is in? It was my fault for pressing him into service, not realizing how unwell he was. I assure you he won't, will you, son?"

I shook my head no as my feet became unsteady holding onto Shane for dear life before I fell on the floor with my fingers in his belt loop, Kerry steadying me with her hand on my back looking very concerned, if Dad was going to have to carry me out if I stood any longer. My teeth chattered. "I promise Dad. Go. There is no reason for you to miss priesthood on my count. Shane and Kerry can take me home and put me to bed, then Shane can come back for priesthood. Unless you want me to stay, I will. Whatever you decide, Dad."

Mom reached down, placing her hand on my forehead telling Dad there is no way I would last two hours not even one, seeing the cold sweat on my face. Telling him it has got to be at least 102 or 103 unless he planned to throw me in the baptism font clothes and all. He better decide quickly. I knew Dad didn't like it, but he agreed to say. "Fine, Sunday school I know has already have started. Shane, if you can't make it back for priesthood I will understand. But don't linger longer than you have to." Shane nodded, putting his arm around me; hearing Dad say, "What is so important that it couldn't wait?"

"Your son, of course, you wanted to know what we chatted about." When I heard that as we were leaving; I wanted to strangle him for getting me into more trouble.

We hurried to the car as I fell nearly on the sidewalk. If it wasn't for Kerry and Shane, I would have as they helped me into the car. Kerry leaning my head against her shoulder; saying to Shane. "If you can step on it before we end up taking him to the hospital, having to lie and explain."

Even though it was only a couple of miles; it seemed like a hundred as I cried softly saying. "Dads going to beat me when he gets home, and it's all my fault." Kerry shushing me, saying she wouldn't let that happen. I did nothing wrong. "Dad won't believe me, Mom won't believe me," I cried. "Not a single word did I say, not one word. I wanted to, but I didn't trust him, Kerry. I couldn't. But he knows I lied to him. But he knows, and it's my fault."

Shane nearly had to carry me inside the house Telling Kerry he'll grab the bucket while he took off his shirt, kicking off his shoes at the door throwing his shirt across the family room couch as we hurried towards the kitchen. Kerry arguing. "It's too late for that." Telling him I needed a cold tub.

I stopped in mid-stride, yelling. "No tub! No tub! I won't let you drown me in a tub!" Kerry added my sweater vest with Shane's shirt, bending down to take off my shoes and socks, while she leaned me against her shoulder to give me support not having to bend down to do it myself and fall flat on my face. Telling me that would not happen, I was crying and reaching for Shane saying. "No tub! No tub!" While she added my shirt to Shane's.

Shane promising me that Kerry would never do that. To trust him, as he hooks me under his arm as I scream with fear. Shane turned on the water as it fills, he finishes undressing me. Kerry placing clean towels on the sink telling me I have nothing to fear. Telling me. "Shane's right here and he's not going anywhere."

Kerry tries to remove my boxers. I tell her "no!" Holding them up with a tight grip, said, "Shane can, not her." Telling her to wait outside. She nods, telling me she used to bathe Shawn and still bathe Jared and Jason. I shook my head no back and forth. Sitting down in the tub; folding my arms across my chest.

Shane quickly douses me with water as Kerry leaves and comes back with the thermometer and a pair of clean boxers from my room. I open my mouth as it clicks against my chattering teeth. Then she removes it, letting Shane douse me again, telling him it's 102, almost 103. Setting it on the counter; asking why I was being so stubborn? Reminding me Mom has seen me naked and Jody. I said. "Mom forced me, and Jody were by accident, both times until she spied on me and Shane in the middle of the night. Shane blushed, nodding. It was true looking at his watch, grimacing.

I knew Shane had to leave, but I didn't like it one bit saying; "I don't have a choice, because Shane has to go back to priesthood, or we will both get a beating." So I let her help me take them off as I turned red. She leaned down and kissed my cheek as she took them and threw them into the sink, placing a wet towel over my waist. Telling Shane he better go or Dad will be angry if he's kept waiting. I said. "I'll manage. But she better not say I have a cute butt." They laughed, "that I did," which I growled. "I don't," which made them laugh even harder. Shane said I should trust her, or he would personally kill her with his bare hands if anything happened to me; coming from Shane, that meant something, so I nodded as he quickly left.

Kerry instructed me to lean forward so she could remove the wet bandages, ensuring my comfort. She also informed me that some of them were infected. I told her. "It might be because of Mom's herbal remedy ointment."

She didn't say I was wrong while she doused me again down my back and my chest; I told her there was no way I was going to lie down in the water. She smiled, saying she understood. Cooling me off with the small bucket until my temperature drops a couple of degrees; placing the thermometer back into my mouth, saying it would be better if she kept me in here. But I said "no way, it wasn't happening"

Kerry dried me off, helping with my clean, dry boxers, and put me to bed. Fixing me moms nasty sleeping tonic, and carefully gently put more lotion on my back. Tucked me in and read to me out of one of my novels I was reading until I fell asleep. I didn't sleep so well as I woke up screaming, seeing my father's face as he walked towards me with a knife in his hand. Kerry shaking me awake and taking me in her arms, calming me. Telling me there was no one in the room or in the house but her.

It was almost one and Mom and Dad would be home soon, and it terrified me as my teeth chattered. Kerry whispering, asking if I needed to cool off again. I nodded as she felt my feverish head. She helped me back to the tub, and I let her undress me, with no fuss. I still didn't trust her not to drown me when she tried to lay me down in the water. I screamed, bolting straight back up. So she doused me letting the cool water cool me. I heard the backdoor open and cried, shaking with fear. She held me tight in her arms, saying no one was going to hurt me, she wouldn't let them. Closing the bathroom door and locking it and returned to sit with me.

Someone wiggled the door and yelled to open the door. Kerry yelling back no! It was Mom saying, "Kerry, open the door this minute." 

Kerry yelling back as she held me. "No, Mom!" Mom informs Dad that the door is locked, and she refuses to open it.

He growled. "Open this door, Kerry!"

I grabbed on to her tight, shaking my head no, saying "don't!" Dad jimmied the lock and swung the door open. I screamed, clutching onto Kerry.

Mom and Dad screamed. "What's the meaning of this?"

Kerry screaming "Get out! You are scaring him! He's afraid you are going to beat him, and I promised him, you hear me, Dad? I promised him I won't let you!"

Dad froze as his face calmed, seeing me beyond terrified. I peed in the tub as he got closer. Running his fingers through his hair; eyes fixed as they stared at me while he watched me shake in fear, clutching at Kerry. Dad nodded. "I didn't intend to frighten you, son. My only concern was finding the door locked. I was just fearing the worst," and closed the door saying, "Karen don't!" as Mom tried to come in. "You'll just frighten him more. Shane, your sister and brother need you. Change your clothes first. Mom would hate it if you got your church clothes wet."

It was nearly an hour before I let Shane and Kerry dry me off. Shane asked if I need to use the toilet first. I looked down towards the floor, said. "I already did."

Shane laughed. "Well, it happens. Dad scares me too sometimes." Helped me dress and put me back to bed. I heard Kerry tell Mom what my temperature was, and we had taken the second bath since we got home, and my back was infected.

Mom told her she was afraid of that. Telling Shane to stay with me until she and Dad could decide what to do and the Bishop would be by a round five to check on me. "He knows Kerry, He knows and Eric didn't say a word. Not one word. Yet he knows. Somebody told him and I want to know who. Tell me Kerry did you tell him, or Jody?" They didn't answer or I couldn't hear them as they went further down the hall.

I watched the clock as it approached 3 o'clock and shivered with a fever as I tried to clutch the blankets for warmth. Shane had taken my temperature. I didn't have to ask how bad it was. He filled the tub with water. It didn't matter anymore as I whimpered, fearing the tub, but it did a better job of cooling me. I knew something was wrong, but what? Since the sacrament meeting, I hadn't heard or seen Jeff, and it was just a brief moment. I knew if I was going to die, he would be here. I hoped he'd be here, but he wasn't, and that concerned me.

Kerry and Shane came to get me and placed me in the tub. Shane spilling water on my back and chest as Kerry washed me, taking the cold sweat that glistened against my skin and cleaning up the vomit that spilled all over me. Stating I am going to be the cleanest boy in this house. It brought a smile to my face, closing my eyes as the cold water spilled down on me. I shivered because I was cold, but it felt good at the same time. Mom was standing in the doorway when I opened my eyes. I bolted into Kerry's arms as she held me against her. Mom crying saying she was so sorry she scared me. Kerry turned to ask Mom if she needed anything. Mom shook her head asking. "How bad is it?"

Kerry frowning telling her, "103 now but it was 104. I can't get it to drop Mom. I am worried. His getting worse. He's frightened and cold. I can't get him to stop shaking. He just threw up all over the bed. Jody's changing his bedding now." Shushing me as the tears racked my body against her. Telling me no one's going to hurt me. Mom left to answer the door. Hearing the Bishop voice as Mom and Dad invite him in; Mom telling him I was in the tub and Kerry was trying to drop my temperature, saying it would be best to see me at another time. Bishop said. "Mrs. Rothwell, I am sorry, but I can't leave until I have seen him," Mom argued with him, but he wouldn't listen.

Bishop nods to Kerry, asking her to leave the room for a minute. Mom saying. "Can't you see his not decent?"

Bishop leaned over her, saying. "I am aware of that, but he needs me now; if you would, please find your husband and bring him here." Taking a small bottle of oil out of his pocket, and removes his jacket, laying it against the sink. Dad comes in asking what he thinks he's doing. He says "giving him a blessing."

Dad argued and said. "We gave him one two days ago."

Bishop simply said. "Doesn't matter. I was told to come and give him one, so that's what I am doing. If you won't, then perhaps Shane will?"

Dad grumbles said. "Fine, let's get him dressed first." Dad yelling to Shane to bring towels and clothes for me."

Bishop growled right back and said. "Why? Because he is naked? God doesn't care." Bishop got on his knees and blesses the oil as Dad and he places his hands on my head. Bishop begins, then stops in mid-sentence about to bless me, taking his hands off my head and stands. Looks at Dad says. "The spirit says no. You have harmed this child, and I can do no more until you repent. I am sorry, son, but I have received instructions I should take you to the hospital at this very moment.

Dad's face filled with shock as he looked down at me, shivering with fever. Saying he had done no such thing. "We told you. It was a skateboard accident. The boy lies. He's a prone liar."

Bishop taking a towel and wrapping it around me as he lifts me out of the tub into his arms, letting my wet feet dangle on the other side, letting me put my wet arms around his neck as I sob with heavy tears. "Eric has said nothing; into regards to how it happened. No matter how hard I pushed him for the truth. He said it was a skating accident. But the spirit said he lied to me because he feared you if you found out. And if I had proof, I wouldn't be here talking to you now. I'd be talking to Child Welfare, but all I have is God's word that you have caused this. That he needs medical attention right now or he will die without it."

Bishop stops in the hallway as Mom blocks his way. Asking; "where are you taking my son?"

Bishop pushes by her and says. "To the hospital where he should have gone. Shane, can you please come and help me drive your brother to the hospital? You can dress in the car or when we get there." Seeing him barefoot and shirtless with a bucket in his arms and carrying my clothes and dropped them on the floor, opening the door and grabbed his shoes by the door.

Bishop sat me in Shane's lap as I cried against his bare chest. He put his arms around me, holding me in whispers. Nothing was going to happen, and that he would let no harm come to me. I didn't believe him as I watched Mom and Dad get in the car and follow us. Shane told the bishop, "I had dreamed of a boy of nineteen, tall like me, blond hair almost golden as he stood before me dressed in all in white. He didn't give me his name, but he charged me to watch over Eric and if I didn't―" he didn't finish, but his expression said it was something bad.

Bishop said. "Yes, he's Eric's guardian angel. His name is Jeff Fry. I would keep that to yourself son and that promise. I don't think your parents would believe you, anyway. But a messenger of God is a messenger of God."

It had been thirty minutes as we sat silently as the Bishop drove. Shane knew I was burning up as his skin glistened with sweat and water. Telling the Bishop to drive faster that I was burning up quickly; I felt the car rocket forward as I passed out against Shane. Their voices sounded underwater as I tried to open them, but my mind and body wouldn't respond.

I could sense Jeff waiting for me and feeling him take my hand and press my body against him as I cried for him to let me die. Begging him as he held me, his spirit warming my soul. I felt at peace as I basked in his light. He kneeled before me and said. "No, Eric, you must fight to live. You must go back and save others from the nightmare. You must fight against the cruelty so you may spare others from that fate. Do this and when the time is right, I promise you the reward of your heart. I have sent friends to guide you as I leave you for a time, but know this: you will never be alone. When the time is at hand, I will be with you and awaken within you the knowledge to tell others of your life. But I must leave you as I watch over you until then."

When I woke up, someone had placed me in a bed and Shane was still shirtless and barefoot, with a blanket over his shoulders and his shoes sitting on a chair. I groaned, feeling the pain as if someone had scraped my back with razor wire. Shane looked up with such joy as he yelled, I was awake. Bishop ran to my side, handing a doctor's smock to Shane; Shane asking if they had anything in blue instead of maroon declined it by setting it to the side. I knew Shane hated that color, telling me it reminds him of the color of blood. I laughed, and that made his face light up.

With the machines beeping around me, I could feel the wires on my bare chest. I could also see a long clear tube connected to an I.V. drip and other medicines that pulsed in my arm. The thought of needles filled me with intense dislike. I felt terrified by them. Sometimes it would take six strong nurses to hold me down as they try to stick me with the needle. I fingered it in my arm, smiling at the thought of the ones I have bucked off over the years.