Chapter 38-1

Chapter 38-1

The Lie & The Truth

Part 2

I waited as the nurse asked if I wanted Shane to leave as they examined me. I said. "No, he's, my brother. I have nothing to hide from him." Bishop nodded, telling them his foster parents were waiting in the lobby. He would tell them I was awake. He asked if I wanted to see them. I said. "No, but I will if I have to." He understood and placed his hand on my shoulder. Saying everything will be alright. I had doubts about what he said. It was as if I was missing a part of myself, leaving me feeling cold and lonely. I tried my best to establish a link with Jeff, but it seemed like something was blocking our connection. I gripped Shane's hand, begging him not to leave me.

He said. "Wild horses couldn't pull me away." I watched as the nurse drew the blinds and removed the blanket as they helped me roll over. Seeing fresh blood from my back, I knew it was bad, but Shane held my hand and squeezed it. Telling me they had to remove all the scabs and infected skin around them.

The nurse said. "All this damage from a skateboard accident? It looks like someone whipped you to the inch of your life." I felt Shane tense as my hand tightened. I could see the fear in his eyes. 

Glancing, I said. "You'd be surprised how a cement driveway can make you go faster when you pull the rope. I tumbled as I slide ten feet on my back."

Shane relaxed and nodded, confirming the lie said. "It was me that was pulling on the rope from my bike, and I didn't notice he had fallen, as the rope twisted around him before it was too late." Then nodded. It was true, but something in her eyes said she didn't believe us, Not when I didn't want to see my foster parents.

So, I said quickly, telling Shane. "Don't you dare leave me. You better be here when I wake up?" Shane squeezed my hand, saying again that he wouldn't leave me.

I hated needles even worse when you couldn't see them as I bucked off the bed as she numbed parts of my back. To remove the gauze that sealed against my skin. I cried as it hurt like hell, feeling the warm blood run trickle down my sides and alcohol burning in my wounds. The nurse replaced the dressing on my back and gave me something for the pain that made me dizzy and sleepy as the pain subsided. It felt like hours before they finished covering me back up with several warm blankets, causing my teeth to chatter from the fever. I could see Mom and Dad talking to the Doctor outside my room. When she opened the blinds, they didn't look happy. I knew I was in trouble just from the look in their eyes. But I also knew they couldn't beat me in such a public place. Not that it comforted me much.

The nurse opened the door saying they could see me, but not to stay too long stating the sedative she gave me will work quickly. Dad and Mom nodded, seeing Shane slide his chair on the other side of me as he padded barefoot and shirtless with a warm blanket around him.

Dad asked him if he wouldn't mind stepping outside. Shane said he promised not to leave me. Dad nearly growled with fresh anger, but Shane didn't move. I knew there would be words or perhaps a beating of some type. Mom carefully held Dad back said. "Robert, not here. If he wants to stay. Let him."

Dad gave a heavy sigh and said, "fine," taking a seat along the wall as Mom took the other side of the bed. She reached out to take my hand, but I moved it away. Tears formed in her eyes. Asking me and Shane quietly if we said anything to the Bishop or anyone about what really happened.

I said. "No Mom, not a word. I told you I wouldn't." Shane said the same thing that we both said it was a skateboard accident.

Mom looked at Shane and me in the eyes for a very long time; nodded that she believed us. "I told you, Robert, they didn't."

Dad said. "Right, then, who told him? And don't give me this spirit nonsense." But no one answered as the Bishop came back into the room with his companion, my new Scout Master. His shirt stained with my blood in some spots.

He nodded to everyone in the room, saying. "Now that we have everyone together again let's try it again before they kick us out." Brother Nile's takes the oil and asking Shane if he wouldn't mind ministering the oil. Shane looked at his father as he turned his head so he didn't have to look him in the eye and remain seated.

Shane put the oil on my head and dedicated it to the sick, leaving his hand on my head as Brother Nile's added his hand. Bishop prayed as he blessed me. I would gain my strength quickly. His words strengthened as the spirit guide him to what to say. I felt tears falling on my warm cheeks as he prayed. When he was done; I looked up, seeing tears in everyone's eyes. Dad was the only one in the room that wasn't wiping his eyes. They were cold and unforgiving. The nurse entered, saying it was time. Dad grabbed Shane's things; Shane said. "I am staying, Dad. Have Kerry or Jody bring me in a change of clothes." Taking his seat next to me, placing the blanket around him and took my hand.

Something in Dad's eyes said they were going to have a nice unpleasant talk. Mom kissed both our cheeks, saying how truly sorry she was, that everything will be different when I come home in a few days. Reminding Shane to make sure we both say our prayers. He nodded he would, and she softly stroked his cheek, whispering she and Dad are going to have a nice long talk. Shane nodded, whispering. "That is if he'll listen to reason, which he doubted." Mom nodded. She understood; giving him money to buy something to eat. He said thanks putting the money in his pocket. Mom kissed us one more time, telling us she'll be back later tonight. Bringing our scriptures.

I could barely keep my eyes open as Mom took Dad by the arm, telling the nurse to call if we needed anything. I barely heard Shane moving another chair for his feet and legs making a rough bed between them and draped the blanket over him said. "Goodnight, little brother."

I yawned. "Goodnight, big brother," and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I woke, it was nearly ten o'clock and Shane was still fast asleep. I smiled and watched the moonlight thinking of me and Shane walking in the same moonlight just days before, hearing the soft squeaky shoes of the doctors and nurses. I felt at peace and felt safe, the safest I had felt in a very long time.

Even though I missed Pa and Ma, wishing my brothers and sisters were here with me or I was with them. It did comfort me having Shane with me making the grief seem a little lighter. I thought of Arthur, knowing that they kept him deep in the basement. I felt sorry for him having to live with such cruelty and the terror he must be living through alone, with no one to rescue him. Despite never meeting him, I thought of James. It crossed my mind to think about the horrors he experienced in that home. It seemed to be only a few months after today that I would miss Jeff, my constant companion, but it was what it was. I try not to blame myself for his death, but knowing he's in a better place and watching over me gives me some comfort.

I thought about today's testimony as the Rothwells bore their testimony and the spirit that was so strong that made the whole chapel cry and wondered about the gift the Jeff had given me from God; showing me the kindness and the light that was building in their hearts. Something I didn't think would ever exist. I didn't think anyone could replace the Downings as I thought of Kerry and Jody, and most of all, Shane. I knew I needed to forgive Mom, but Dad was going to be harder because his rush to anger is so parallel to my father and yet there is a kindness too, something my father had never shown me, and nor has my mother.

As the nurse walked in, I nodded and she placed a thermometer in my mouth, checking my blood pressure. Frowning telling me I am still running a little high, but it had come down a bit. Hearing Shane wake as the nurse asked me if I was hungry, I said. "Yes, I was, and I am sure my brother is, too."

Shane saying. "Someone say food?" We laughed as he stretched. The nurse said they had ordered a tray for both of us. Helping me sit up in the bed and turning on the light.

She asked if I wanted them to close the window curtains. I said. "No, I enjoy looking at the moonlight."

Shane's eyes popped as the food came, asking if there were seconds saying neither of us had eaten anything all day. She grinned, saying she'll check to ask if there was anything else. Shane said. "A pillow would be nice, one for my back and one for my neck." Rubbing his bare back and stretching his enormous feet. She had come back with two pillows and an extra warm blanket for him.

He thanked her she said. "No problem. Your mother is back with your sisters. Should I send them in?" I nodded. It would be fine.

Jody ran to my side as Kerry drop a small duffel bag into a chair bringing out my favorite double chocolate chip cookies. My mouth watered as Mom sat on my bed asking the nurse if there was any improvement. Lifting my tray frowning at the food said. "I was hoping for something a little healthier, like fresh green salad, not hamburgers on white bread."

Shane said, "Mom, let it go. It will not kill us."

Mom stating. "Not right away, but eventually."

Shane, taking a bigger bite said, "This is to die for," licking his fingers off. Mom groaned.

The nurse said, "He still running high, but that's expected." Mom feeling my forehead and cheeks nodding. It was true.

The nurse told her not to stay too long, making a note in my chart replacing another bag of I.V. and antibiotics and leaving us in privacy. Mom nodded, asking Shane if he would like to go home to and get some rest? He said. "No, I'm fine," fluffing both his pillows and lounging back as if this was the life, eating one of my cookies, placing the seconded hamburger on his bare chest.

Kerry tickled his bare feet asking. "Are you comfortable little brother?"

Shane said, "Absolutely big sister." Kerry informed him and me that in the morning she will take his place whether he liked it or not.

Mom asked Jody to set my scriptures on the table near my bed, and the novel that I was currently reading saying. "I am not sure what to tell your social worker tomorrow."

I said. "Tell her the truth," give her time to think. "Tell her I was riding my skateboard and skinned my back in the driveway." Mom didn't think I was funny as she glared at me.

Shane smiled said. "I'll tell her how it was my fault."

Again, she didn't think it was a bit funny. Saying. "I'll just have to think of something," sighing, "It's a good thing your Dad won't be home when she comes. Now that would be a disaster."

The nurse came back to instate. "Sorry Mrs. Rothwell, it is getting late and visiting hours are over."

Mom asked. "If it was all right, if they prayed before they went?"

She nodded and told her. "Ten minutes." Closing the blinds and closing the door for some privacy. Mom didn't make me get out of bed like Dad would have if he were here. But Shane wasn't as lucky as she pushed his legs and feet to the ground from his chair.

Kerry each took a side and as their hands reached across the bed. Mom taking my other hand as Shane took mine. Mom said she would pray tonight. Bowing her had to ask God to heal me and asking that I might forgive her and her husband and promised if I did, things would be different. Asking me for one more chance, ending the prayer; wiping her eyes; leaning down to kiss me on the cheek asking me to please forgive her.

Jody and Kerry each gave me a kiss on the cheek. Saying goodnight to both of us as the door opened, the nurse telling them it was time. Giving me something to sleep and something for the pain, Shane put his makeshift bed back together, said. "If you think I am going to kiss you goodnight, you can forget it. But I will read you a bedtime story until you fall asleep."

I laughed, "You can read?"

"Yea, what would you like, scripture or novel?"

I said. "Neither."

He said. "Fine, see you in a few hours, but first. Do you mind if I go pee?"

I laughed. "Go ahead, I already went," placing the jug on the table.

"You realize that's disgusting?"

"Sue me. I don't think they want me to go walking nude in the moonlight with you here."

"What's the difference? They'll still say you have a cute butt." Shane said, going to the door barefoot and shirtless and stripped down to his boxers. "It's a hospital. They expect you to walk down the hall with no clothes on, moonlight or not," letting the door close asking for directions to the bathroom. I couldn't believe my eyes as a nurse pinched his butt, and he smiled; like he was the one with all the cream.