
To say Cedric was disappointed at the behavior of these infidels was an understatement. He did not have much expectation of them and yet he was still disappointed.

His expectation was to allow humans to slaughter the demons and take back what was theirs, and yet these humans were consumed by greed and lust.

Instead of killing as many as possible they were capturing and raping.

"Disgusting, what did I expect from Infidels..." He should have expected this.

Perhaps this army needed to have a bit of resistance even if that resistance was from a demon.

Grahm seemed not to be any better than his soldiers as he let barbaric acts continue.

While Cedric did not care if a human raped a demon or enslaved it, he cared that humans acted like demons themselves.

'When leadership is weak, soldiers will merely be a large group of bandits after all.' Cedric crossed his arms.

A faint desire to slaughter the infidels returned to him, but there must be a better way, with demons so brazenly acting in the world every human life was precious.

While he would not kill them, nor stop them. It was not his mission to babysit a bunch of barbarians.

He would make sure their job wasn't as easy as he originally intended to make it.

'It is truly disappointing that only Aurelia and a handful of humans were deserving of salvation.' He truly hoped that at least subconsciously they would know the true light.

Demon influence ran too deep, these humans were nearly as bad as demons themselves. Perhaps it was a cancer that needed to be removed.

Only those who were young were untouched by demonic corruption and even some of them acted like demons.

'Aurelia, that group of young soldiers...'

They had potential, but he would not abandon the corrupted people of this world either.

With a rush he made his way toward Eastern Tower, Tormentor had an ability that would serve him in this situation.

A specific skill he wished to acquire was [Hemomancy].

While the ability to create Blood Constructs and manipulate blood wasn't heretical by itself, it being used by a demon would be a heresy of the highest order.

Fortunately for Cedric, he had not used [Heresy Purge] to destroy it, and with that, he would be able to spread God's Light more effectively.

He made his way inside Eastern Tower very quickly, and soon he found his way to where he had ended Tormentor's life.

This was the perfect opportunity to see the limits of [Mana Forge] copying ability.

He approached Tormentor's corpse before activating [Mana Forge].

The universe expanded before him, countless eons of creation in an instant, stars flickered and died before he found himself looking at the thousands of lights.

While he did not know what those lights were, there was only one thing that made sense, they were skills.

'Every skill is God's creation.' Cedric nodded to himself as he gazed into what seemed to be an infinite starry sky both below and above him.

It was overwhelming.

Gazing into the infinity of God was something not many could even handle.

But he would endure, lights swirled and danced, and they welcomed him.

The lights grew brighter before the entire sky was taken over by almost blinding white light.


Such a strange skill, when he used it to bestow nothing weird happened and it worked like normal, but to copy he was pulled into a separate realm.

The voice that greeted him was strange, it was not the voice that guided him until now.

"Who are you?" Cedric asked.

The voice was gentle and feminine, despite it being as robotic as Angels.





This was unreal, [Mana Forge] was a personal tool of God. And he as a mere mortal was to use it.

Honor after honor, why was God putting so much trust in him? Despite asking these questions he wouldn't question God's decision, it was his place to prove himself worthy.

With some deliberation, he exclaimed, "Yes! I wish to access the repository."

His mind was instantly overwhelmed, he couldn't understand what he was seeing, countless lights, countless worlds, countless souls.

'No these are skills,' His mind cleared after what seemed to be days, from blurs he saw them, he saw the world's skills.

Each star was a skill he could copy, and yet he couldn't understand any of them, as Cedric focused on the stars that shone the brightest, he didn't need to understand the entirety of God's system, after all even if he was chosen he was mere man.

All he needed to do was copy [Hemomancy].

"It seems that skills that I am closest to shine the brightest and can easily be retrieved." Cedric was sure that he needed to touch the corpse to copy the skill but it seems Mana Forge allowed him to copy a skill from anywhere as long as he had an understanding of it.

But when he focused on [Hemomancy] he understood it clearly, instead of cryptic runes it was like it was written in common language.

He scratched his chin as he delved deep into his thoughts, 'It seems that when I come into contact with a skill I can understand it and so copy it. So that is a restriction.'

If he were to fully utilize this skill he would need to gain a way to understand the skills even if he hadn't come into contact with them.

Alas, he couldn't spend so much time examining the capability of the skill.

[Mana Forge-Copy], he activated the skill on [Hemomancy]. The voice spoke once again.


His head thumped with mosquito bite level of pain as he acquired a skill, a mere pinch.

It was too easy to copy a skill he had an understanding of, another one of God's Blessings.

"Thank you [Mana Forge], it's about time for me to finish this mission." The world once again returned to where It was.

"It seems I must play a villain for these Infidels..." Cedric chuckled slightly before activating [Hemomancy], he targeted the immense reservoir of blood that Tormentor had built up.

'Construct must not be too strong, just strong enough for Aurelia and Archangels to beat it.' He controlled the newly acquired skill with immense precision.

Blood bursts and swirled, and cracks beneath the tower reverberated as a massive Blood Construct rushed from the depths of the tower, shattering it in its entirety, forcing Cedric to jump out at the last possible moment.

Cedric sent a mental command to it, 'Be a hindrance and harass human army, do not kill humans under any circumstance.'

A small lesson for their barbarity was due after all.