80: Stuck once more- Part 1

As their carriage rumbled away from the Viscount's estate, Elias kept his gaze fixed outside the window. The distant silhouette of the grand mansion slowly disappeared into the horizon, but the unease in his chest remained. 

Even with the Viscount's demise, things didn't feel over. There were too many unanswered questions, too many loose threads.

Lady Selene sat beside him, idly tapping her fingers on her lap, while Prince Aedric sat across, his sharp eyes scanning Elias as if reading his every thought.

"You look tense," Aedric finally commented.

Elias sighed. "It's just… everything that happened at the Viscount's estate. It felt too convenient, too sudden. The way he died—burning to ashes like that—what if someone killed him to keep him quiet?"

Selene tilted her head, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "That's what I'm hoping to find out. I left a shadow behind. If there's something suspicious about his so-called successor, we'll know soon enough."