The Ruin of the Stars

The Dragon King watched the golden dragon and the golden dragon's red eyes watched the dragon king's every move.

He stood surrounded by his aura.

Crackle !

The Dragon King was already ready. He was aware of the threat the golden dragon posed. It was not a simple dragon but a living manifestation of divine laws.

The Dragon King had faced demons, Elves, vampires.This golden dragon was just another obstacle on his way to domination.

Zadkiel stood back and watched the confrontation with a calm expression. His role seemed to be that of a witness rather than a participant but he knew that the forces at play here were far beyond the scope of a simple battle.

The Dragon King had not come to obtain a simple victory. He was there to take control of everything in front of him.

Zadkiel: «If you want to reach climax, you'll have to take down this guardian first. He is the key to your ascent.»

Zadkiel's words seemed like a warning. The Dragon King didn't care. He had already realized that his journey would not end until his name was etched in the annals of this world. Whoosh. His aura expanded, a wave of oppressive energy crashing outward.

He was the Dragon King, and the world had to bow down to him.

[Quest generated: Face the Celestial Golden Dragon. Reward: Ascension to Divine Power, New Elemental Skills.]

The reward for this ordeal was more than enticing, but that was not the Dragon King's goal.

The real goal was victory, domination...

The golden dragon roared with a cry that made the air and space around him tremble. ROOOAAARRR!

Dragon King: «Why was I brought back here? Was it really to dominate or to understand?»

These questions he hated because they made his resolution waver, they tarnished the clarity of his goal. Yet deep down, he knew that the answers would come with every battle won, with every enemy defeated.

SWWWIIISSSHH! Swords of divine energy escaped from the scales of the golden dragon and formed waves of pure energy that spread in all directions.

The golden dragon's claws were ready to tear through the fabric of the universe. CRAAACK!

The dragon king was heading forward and his wings beat the air with such force that they even created storms. WHOOOOSHHH! His mouth opened with a flurry of black flames, flames of destruction and chaos that devoured everything in their path.

[Infinite System: Skill used: Emerald Shadow Flames.]

[Description: A combination of dragon energy and primal dark fire. These flames not only destroy matter but also devour the spiritual essence of the targets preventing them from regenerating or even reincarnating.]

[Effects: Black Flames: Deal continuous damage to the soul. Emerald Aura: Grants increased regeneration and an energy barrier, reducing damage taken.]

[Consumption: 25% dragon energy per minute.]

The dragon king struck, projecting his black flames towards the golden dragon.

FWOOOOSHHHH! Against any other opponent, they would have consumed their target instantly. But this time, the flames were extinguished by touching the golden aura of the golden dragon as if they were shadows chased away by the light of day. SZZZZZZZT!

Golden Dragon: «Your attacks are futile. My light is purity incarnate. Nothing corrupt can touch me.»

The golden dragon moved with surprising grace for such a heavy creature dodging the Dragon King's next attacks with godlike swiftness.

Suddenly, pain flashed through the Dragon King's side as the golden dragon's light-like claws brushed against his dark energy armor. Sssshhhhhh! He held back a cry of pain, and his wings beat less vigorously than before.

Dragon King: «My body can take it,» he gritted his teeth. He was not invincible. Not yet.

He put one knee on the ground. Thud. Its black flames had weakened and the triumphant roar of the golden dragon filled his ears. ROAAAAARRR!

Dragon King: «Is this how it ends?» The bitter taste of defeat threatened to engulf him. Then a memory came back: one day, he had stood in front of an empty throne, swearing never to bow to anyone. Thus anger and determination bore his gaze. No. This was not how his story would end.

This golden dragon for the Dragon King was faster than he had anticipated. But he was more focused now releasing a stream of pure black magic that enveloped his body.

He launched again, this time with a targeted attack. Boom!

Its feet struck the golden dragon with phenomenal force but the celestial creature blocked its attack by raising a massive shield-like wing.

BOOM! The impact reverberated through the skies.

Zadkiel: «Impressive... for a dragon that defies the Heavens. But will this be enough to defeat an incarnation of divine laws?»

The clash between these two creatures had produced an explosion that sent residue of celestial light flying in all directions.

The Dragon King was beginning to understand the true nature of his enemy. This golden dragon was not simply a beast to be defeated. He was the very embodiment of Heaven. Every attack this creature made was charged with divine power, and every movement seemed to be in perfect harmony with cosmic laws.

The dragon king was content to dodge again... WHOOSH! ...again. SWISH! As if every move was planned in advance. He analysed the movements of his opponent. It was a dance orchestrated by divine laws. But if these laws are the strength of the golden dragon king... they can also be his weakness. A small smile appeared on his lips. He was going to have to play a more subtle game.

Zadkiel: «Those dodges... TCH! A millennium of training for that? I hope you have something better to offer.»

Dragon King: «I'm going to have to dig deeper into my reserves. Only by fully mastering my power can I hope to defeat it.»

BOOOM! The next moment a phenomenal energy escaped from his body. CRACKLE! In his eyes, there was an evil light as well as pink and silver flames that wrapped around his body.

CRRRRRUNCH! Then, in a gesture that threatened the very laws of the universe, he rushed straight at the golden dragon.

SHIIIIING! The golden dragon was unfurling a torrent of light, it was a rain of a hundred thousand divine blades going at the speed of light that formed a real column of attack.

The dragon king clenched his fists, a little irritation crossed his eyes. WHOOSH! This golden dragon was faster, more unpredictable than he had anticipated:

«Am I really ready for this?» The question persisted in his mind but he immediately rejected it. To doubt was to betray one's own essence. Still, an insidious voice lingered in his mind: what if this time, defeat was possible?

Zadkiel: «So you think you're a Dragon king? No. Not yet. True kings don't let their prey get away with it so easily.»

This time the dragon king was ready. SWISH! SWOOSH! He dodged the luminous blades with great evenness as if they were slow for him.

Dragon King: «The speed of light is cool, but I think you should go further if you hope to touch me with this kind of thing.»


«This is not just a fight,» he thought as he looked at the Celestial creature. «This is a proof. A proof with which I can go beyond the limits imposed by this world, by Heaven itself.» Since his reincarnation, the specter of his past failure had haunted him. THUD! This time, he would not fail.

The dragon king then opened his mouth, and a luminous sphere condensing the energy of the stars themselves.

[Infinite System: Ultimate Skill activated-Ruin of the Stars.]

[Description: An attack drawing its power from the stars and the cosmic void. The column of light deals absolute damage, annihilating matter and altering surrounding space.]

[Side effects: The heat generated turns the touched ground into incandescent glass. The impact leaves a barren zone of destruction, prohibiting all life for centuries.]

[Consumption: 50% dragon energy.]

[System :Maximum power reached. Warning: repeated use of this technique risks destabilizing the local spatio-temporal balance.]

Wrrrrr! When he released it, a pillar of light descended from the sky, BOOOOM! striking the golden dragon, piercing its side with such force that it devastated a great ray of stars.

CRACK! The impact created a cataclysmic shockwave reducing the ground to a sea of ​​incandescent glass which testified to the infinite degree of heat of the attack. The energy released was so intense that it erased a large ray of stars in the sky leaving a gaping void in the celestial web.

The beast was screaming in deep pain: ROAAAAR! as the destructive energy tore through its body. Its golden scales began to crack KRRR-KRRR! and it collapsed to the ground, defeated.

The Dragon King had won this battle, but he knew that it was not the end. The road remained strewn with pitfalls.

Zadkiel was slowly approaching: «You have proven your power, but know that Heaven never submits easily. SHHHHH! You will still have to face more difficult trials, but you are on the way to ascension.»

Dragon King: «I don't have the intent to stop here.»