The unity among Cælora's peoples, creatures, and allies grew stronger every day and Volmeryn knew that this kingdom would soon establish itself as a great power.
But he couldn't rest on his laurels. He always had to keep a watchful eye not only on his enemies, but also on his allies. Because in a kingdom where there was a strong ambition even the allies could become the most dangerous adversaries.
The sun was slowly setting over Cælora After the long day of volmeryn negotiating with the representatives of the neighboring kingdoms. He stood on the terrace of the royal palace looking at the alleys and walls that surrounded the city.
Suddenly, a panicked scream was heard coming from the southern gates of the city. Volmeryn froze for a moment. It was no ordinary scream. It was a cry of alarm. He turned his gaze to Michael who was at his side.
«Michael, what does that mean?»
Michael didn't need any more words. He immediately went to one of the windows, looking at the horizon with his clairvoyance.
He replied in a voice full of anxiety:
«We have intruders, sire. A group of marauders but they are not simple looters. They bear marks... obscure symbols. Cultists, it seems. »
Volmeryn: «Cultists? Here? How were they able to cross borders without being detected? »
Michael: «That's the problem. We underestimated the threat that lurked in the shadows. Cælora is not the only kingdom expanding. Our enemies have learned to observe us without being seen. »
The city had grown rapidly but as its influence spread, the evil shadows spread. Every decision had its consequences and this one was far more urgent than Volmeryn had imagined.
Flashes of light appeared in the night sky of Cælora like shooting stars and then crashed against the ground. Explosions echoed through the city and caused residents to lose control:
«What is ...?» Volmeryn didn't have time to finish his question when a scream followed by a loud noise came from the massive palace doors that were shattered.
A group of men in black armor who wore occult symbols tattooed on their faces armed with axes and swords invaded the streets of Cælora. They spread to sow chaos and destruction.
Michael: «How dare they attack Cælora in the middle of the night?»
A slight smile appeared on Volmeryn's lips.
«Don't waste time with unnecessary questions archangel Michael. Take care of these pests. We never leave traces of powerlessness.»
Darius, the vampire who had received the alert was heading into the alleys where the enemies were rampaging up.
«These men are not worthy of my attention but I will exterminate them all the same.»
Lyara: «I'm ready, Master Volmeryn. These wretches will not last long.»
Without another word, Michael, Lyara and Darius were moving.
The main street of the palace was invaded by a group of assailants. They shouted and knocked down everything in their path trampling homes and burning buildings in their path.
The terrified inhabitants fled in all directions. The group of invaders were breaking down a door to enter a house.
Around the corner, Michael suddenly appeared. He soared into the air with his archangel wings outstretched and with a cry of rage, a shockwave of sacred light erupted around him. The impact shook the walls and a blast of blinding energy blew the first attackers back throwing them like straw leaves.
«You dirty vermin!» yelled Michael. With a gesture, he dropped his sword, the Excalibur. The blade swung in a perfect arc, slicing through the air and the attackers and their armor in a single buttery motion. Each blow he gave caused each enemy to collapse one after the other, their flesh reduced to ashes under the light of his vengeance.
Lyara slipped into the shadows as she disappeared among the alleys. She was like a predator in the night. A cry of pain rang out as the silhouette of an enemy collapsed with a sword thrust into his abdomen.
With an elegant gesture, she let the assailant's life slip away with her gaze fixing on the next. She didn't speak, she didn't waste time, every blow was precise and fatal. The enemies who thought they had the advantage thanks to their numbers soon realized that they were trapped.
Darius meanwhile remained in the shadows, observing the scene with amusement.
«These insects are not even worthy of an interesting fight.»
He made a gesture and a wave of dark energy, denser than darkness poured into the street. An anomalous gravity wave propagated crushing everything in its path.
The bodies of the attackers were crushed to the ground under the invisible weight of magic. Swords and axes sank into the ground by the force of gravity and masked men were unable to move and then froze in horrifying stillness.
Darius moved slowly with the gravity that was around his body and every enemy he came across would die without him moving, the gravity of his body broke the balance of their bodies.
An assailant tried to stick an axe in his back but the black gravity around Darius caused the weapon to disappear in a cloud of ash before plunging his own blade into the assailant's stomach.
The inhabitants of the kingdom still panicked watched the fight from the windows, some kneeling to pray for an end to the carnage.
Volmeryn remaining on his balcony watched with great satisfaction.
«They are only scratching the surface of this kingdom, it is still too early to end it. We must make sure that this rebellion is crushed without leaving a trace.»
He turned his gaze to the ruined city, then to Michael, Lyara, and Darius who were the masters of the situation. They didn't have to fight for their survival. They were beyond that. Their opponents were nothing more than insects.
The battle was short and brutally fast. The attackers were crushed in the alleys and swept away in a few minutes with their bodies sprawled lifeless in the streets while the inhabitants watched filled with terror. The city, although turned upside down by the attack was saved.
Darius turned one last glance at Volmeryn with amusement.
«They won't do it again,»
Thus, the city although bloodied was once again under their control. Nothing could stand in the way of the power and total mastery of those who were in the way of darkness and light.