In the majestic halls of Cælora, Volmeryn had summoned his advisors and some prestigious guests for an evening of diplomacy.
A sumptuous banquet was set up, every detail of the organization showed the greatness of the kingdom. Tonight, Volmeryn was going to meet a key figure from a neighboring kingdom, a powerful heiress who many considered a potential ally... or a threat.
Volmeryn sat in the center of the table with confidence. At his side some of his advisers exchanged discreet words about the arrival of the heiress.
Lyara: «Do you really think she will come, Lord Volmeryn? This heiress is not known for easily complying with invitations, even royal ones.»
— Volmeryn (smile): «She will come. The powerful cannot resist the call of opportunity. And this banquet, Lyara, is much more than just a meal.»
The door opened slowly. Princess Eryndra of the Kingdom of Faerenth entered the room. His gaze noted the details and every movement before his eyes landed on Volmeryn. The dress she wore which was a deep blue with silver filigree was a testament to the luxurious resources of the kingdom of Faerenth.
She smiled politely. It was a conqueror's smile, an invitation to measure the strength of her will and to recognize the foundations of her kingdom.
Eryndra: «Lord Volmeryn,» she said, her gaze scanning the room. «Your invitations are as persistent as your reputation.»
Volmeryn (smiling slightly): «Princess Eryndra, your steps in Caelora are enough to enchant this palace. Take a seat.»
Eryndra stepped forward with her gaze on the faces of the advisors present. When she sat down at the table facing Volmeryn, the tension was starting to rise.
The banquet was beginning and conversations were lively around the table, but attention was focused on the two royal figures present. Volmeryn watched Eryndra as she studied his every move. She, on the other hand, was attentive with a slight smile on her lips.
Darius was whispering words to Lyara:
«What do you bet she's here to test our king? A potential ally, certainly but these Faerenthians are known for their ambitions.»
— Lyara: «Maybe. But look at her expression. She doesn't seem intimidated or even really impressed. That says a lot about her character.»
In the center of the table Volmeryn finally spoke:
«Tell me, princess Eryndra, how is the kingdom of Faerenth? Have your borders been peaceful lately?»
— Eryndra: «As peaceful as they can be in a world where everyone seeks to prove their superiority. But, of course that shouldn't surprise someone like you, should it?»
There was a discreet laugh among the councillors. Gabriel whispered to Sepharon:
«She's got guts. That could be interesting.»
—Volmeryn: «Superiority, princess, imposes itself.»
— Eryndra: «Really? To be recognized, it must first be demonstrated.»
Eryndra showed no fear of Volmeryn's overwhelming aura and it piqued his interest.
At one point, Lysandros was speaking.
«Faerenth is famous for its warriors and magicians. But tell me, princess, what do you think of dragons?»
Eryndra: «The dragons,» she said with a moment's thought. «are fascinating creatures, but their power must be channelled. In my kingdom, we have learned to tame even the wildest of beasts, whether human or not. Without direction, their fire only destroys.»
There was bitterness in his eyes like a memory of a time when Faerenth had been at war with similar creatures. But she paused for a moment to avoid saying more.
— «Without a guide even a dragon is lost in its own greatness.»
—Volmeryn: «True power needs no guide. It simply imposes order.»
Eryndra's gaze hardened as if these words reminded her of something older than this simple diplomacy. But she brushed off the memory and replied:
«Perhaps. But the order imposed without consent is an illusion and a trap that always ends up closing. You know that, don't you, Lord Volmeryn? You who rule a kingdom without question but always on a knife's edge.»
At the end of the banquet, Eryndra stood up and looked at the faces around the table.
She then bowed her head towards Volmeryn :
—«This banquet was as enlightening as it was precious. But I doubt this will be our last meeting, Lord Volmeryn. Faerenth has ambitions. And these ambitions never fade, especially in the presence of powers... like yours.»
—Volmeryn (smiling):«I don't doubt it, princess. Our paths will eventually cross where the stars appear.»
After she left the banquet, Volmeryn's advisors had looks full of questions.
Erylis was the first to speak:
«She is intelligent. Dangerously intelligent.»
— Raphael (amused smile):« And beautiful. This always complicates things.»
Carlos looked at the door through which Eryndra had left and then said:
«It's a force not to be underestimated. But she will know where her place is.»
Metatron: «So, Volmeryn, are you starting to weave your web?»
— Volmeryn (enigmatic smile): A web, Metatron? No. I just let the stars align.»
The next morning, dawn spread over the kingdom of Cælora. The palace gardens were of unparalleled beauty with its color-changing flowers.
Volmeryn was walking alone in these gardens and reflecting on the events that had taken place the day before. The meeting with Eryndra, the princess of Faerenth had marked him more than he would have liked.
He was already calculating the possible consequences of this match. If she was a threat, he knew he had to quickly neutralize her. But if it was an ally then it was an opportunity to join forces.
The discussion he had with her had not been as simple as he would have liked. Eryndra was not one to be easily influenced by words or demonstrations of power. She had her eyes set on the throne of Cælora which was a potential danger but also a chance for her to expand her influence even further.
As Volmeryn pondered these thoughts, a familiar presence appeared behind him.
It was Lyara, the elf who advanced towards him with flexibility.
«You seem thoughtful, Lord Volmeryn. Is it the princess that worries you?"»
—Volmeryn: «Maybe but I'm more concerned about what she really wants. You know as well as I do, Lyara, that no action is innocent in a being of her rank.»
— Lyara: «I agree. She has great ambition and ambitions are not just words. They require action. But, Lord Volmeryn, do not be in too much of a hurry to classify her among your enemies. It is possible that you have found an ally in this plot.»
— Volmeryn: «An ally? Perhaps but allies like this are often as dangerous as declared enemies. We'll see how she behaves in the coming days.»