On the Edge of Convergence

While Volmeryn and Lyara continued their walk through the gardens, a messenger suddenly came running out of breath.

«Lord Volmeryn! A messenger from Faerenth asks for an audience. Princess Eryndra wants to see you again.»

Volmeryn was not surprised by the news although he was intrigued. He exchanged a little glance with Lyara who with a simple nod of the head encouraged him to accept.

— «Very well. Bring the messenger in.»

Moments later, an emissary dressed in a blue and gold tunic entered the room carrying a sealed scroll.

He bowed respectfully to Volmeryn:

«Lord Volmeryn, Princess Eryndra sends you her most sincere greetings. She would like to meet with you in a more private setting, to discuss an important proposal for the future of our two kingdoms.»

Volmeryn looked at the messenger and then turned to Lyara.

"You are coming with me."

She accepted without a word. She knew that another exchange with the princess meant much more than just a diplomatic meeting.

The journey to Eryndra's residence was in silence. The kingdom of Faerenth with its majestic mountains and mesmerizing forests was as fascinating as it was mysterious.

The palace of Eryndra carved into the mountains was a masterpiece of magical architecture.

As they passed through the great gates of Faerenth, Volmeryn observed the massive walls of the citadel.

Eryndra, on the other hand suddenly walked up to him with a smile on her face.

— «It's interesting to see how you look at all this. You'd expect to find enemies hiding behind every corner, right?»

—Volmeryn: «There are enemies everywhere.»

— Eryndra: «You're right. But you don't know who the enemy is.»

She stopped for a moment looking at the horizon before continuing.

«Not everyone in Faerenth will see you as an ally. Some will see you as a threat... long before you know it.»

—Volmeryn: «What do you mean princess?»

— Eryndra: «You'll soon understand. That said, I thank you for agreeing to this meeting, Lord Volmeryn.»

—Volmeryn: «Honor is mine princess. What you propose if it is a proposal at all deserves careful attention.»

Eryndra smiled because she was amused by the answer.

«You are perceptive Volmeryn. Indeed, it is not simply a diplomatic meeting. I have a proposal for you. But first, we need to discuss the possibilities for our realms. Yours is powerful, and I am sure that a partnership between our peoples could be beneficial for both.»

Volmeryn knew that behind this politeness was something deeper.

«You talk about partnership but what about the nature of your true intentions, princess?»

Eryndra: «A partnership Lord Volmeryn, that's all I ask for. A simple peace agreement. You have nothing to fear from me.»

She paused for herself and then continued:

— «But... If this partnership were to extend beyond the simple borders of our kingdoms, what would you say?»

— Volmeryn: «It seems to me... reckless.»

— Eryndra: «Maybe. Or maybe I'm just a princess looking for safety. After all, what's in Faerenth might as well belong in Cælora. It will be a new era.»

Lyara, who was listening attentively, intervened:

— «A new era... And what role would the kingdom of Faerenth play in this new era? Are you proposing a simple peace agreement or is there something else behind your words princess?»

Eryndra didn't respond immediately. She pondered Lyara's words then turned to Volmeryn.

«You see, Lord Volmeryn, your elf is clever. She knows that no alliance can be built on fairy dust. What I am proposing is not simply a fragile peace. What I want is a real pact, something that will guarantee us both an indestructible position.»

—Volmeryn: «And what do you want in exchange for this 'indestructible pact'?»

— Eryndra: «Your kingdom is renowned for its military might and your strategies are admired throughout the region. Tell me... How did you manage to maintain such a balance between force and diplomacy?»

Volmeryn was intrigued by the question and refrained from answering immediately.

«The secrets of war are not so easily shared princess.»

Eryndra: «I didn't ask for your secrets Volmeryn. Only... insights. A simple conversation between allies.»

Volmeryn was thinking about the implications of such a request.

«You want it all Eryndra... but what do you give me in return?»

— Eryndra: «I offer you Faerenth, Lord Volmeryn. An entire kingdom. And unwavering loyalty.»

Suddenly the silence of Eryndra and Volmeryn's walk was broken. A flash of light appeared behind the bushes as if a figure had moved too quickly.

Volmeryn stopped walking warily:

— «Who goes there?»

There was no answer.

— Eryndra: «It doesn't seem like anything, only a distracted passerby.»

But Volmeryn knew something was wrong.

— «Passers-by do not hide in the shadows.»

— Eryndra: «There are secrets in Faerenth, Volmeryn. One of those who don't show themselves easily.»

Volmeryn looked at Eryndra. She was beautiful of course but there was more to her gestures and words something he couldn't fully perceive.

Volmeryn: «Don't let yourself be fooled,» he thought. But a small voice deep inside him said otherwise.

«You seem to know my intentions better than I do princess.»

— Eryndra: «And you, Volmeryn you seem to know everything... except what is hidden behind my words.»

— Volmeryn: «I'm much better at discovering your secrets than you think.»

He had said those words with a certain coldness but he had the impression that she had seen beyond it.

Eryndra suddenly turned away from him, but Volmeryn sensed something strange.

«You seem troubled princess.»

—Eryndra (smiled): «Troubled? Not at all. I have nothing to fear from you Lord Volmeryn.»

— Volmeryn: «So why this hesitation?»

— Eryndra: «Don't test my limits Volmeryn.»

Volmeryn didn't care about it with a slight smile on his lips.

— « I wonder if your boundaries are as clear as you think.»

Eryndra was not disturbed at all. She knew exactly what she wanted, and if Volmeryn accepted her offer, it could change Faerenth's face. She had prepared her game well. A Kingdom absolute loyalty... But for Volmeryn, the matter was never that simple.

Volmeryn: «You promise me Faerenth but you know full well that I don't trust promises. It's not in my nature to accept without knowing the real motivation. A kingdom and a loyalty, certainly... But what about your secrets? Of your own ambitions?»

—Eryndra: «My ambitions, Lord Volmeryn are clear. I seek to unify this world under a single banner. I see in you a partner who can achieve this. The secrets you hold... I am ready to understand them and to support you in their management. But all this must be done in balance, in mutual respect.»

Lyara had interrupted the flow of words by turning her gaze to the princess.

—«Balance, mutual respect... These terms are beautiful but their application is always more complex. You are, princess, a woman of power. And like all beings of power, you are never without an ulterior motive.»

—Eryndra: «You underestimate me elvish. It is not power alone that I am looking for. It's not about crushing others to shine... It's about choosing the right allies. And I believe you are one of them, Lyara.»

Lyara although flattered showed no emotion. She looked at Volmeryn and then returned to Eryndra.

«You play your cards intelligently, princess. But lord Volmeryn is not seduced by mere words. If he accepts you, you will have to prove your intentions. For there is no room for weakness in our kingdom.»

— Volmeryn: «Lyara is right. The question is not what you propose but how you will prove it. Everything you say is logical... But the truth is that alliances are not formed only on rational foundations. They are formed on mutual understanding. And confidence.»

— Eryndra: «All right, Volmeryn. If you doubt my sincerity, then let me prove to you what I am willing to offer. I offer you a demonstration.»

— Volmeryn: «A demonstration?»

— Eryndra: «Yes. We will arrange a meeting in Glaeryn Valley, a neutral place between our kingdoms. There we will decide together the future of our alliance. I will send emissaries there, and you will send yours there. If you wish, it can even be done in a more flexible setting. where you will have the opportunity to see what Faerenth has to offer.»

— Volmeryn: «Interesting. You are ready to do anything to prove your intentions. A demonstration, then. Very well. I accept it. But know that, if you disappoint me, there will be no second chance.»

— Eryndra (satisfied): «You will not be disappointed, Lord Volmeryn. But first, you will need to meet with my advisors and strategists. Negotiation is an art and it is wiser to prepare the ground before acting.»

— Volmeryn: «Perfect. I will prepare my response to your proposal. But first I have some business to settle in my kingdom. We will meet at the Glaeryn Valley and at that time we will see if our visions align.»

— Eryndra: «We'll see. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table. And I look forward to hearing your answer.»

After the discussion with Eryndra, Volmeryn had gathered some of his condeolldfsy to take the lava while preparing for their journey to Glaeryn Valley.

Majestic mountains and crystal clear rivers stretched as far as the eye could see. Everything was peaceful... But tension was in the air.

The upcoming meeting would be decisive for Cælora's future.

Lyara who was walking next to Volmeryn, whispered to him:

— «Do you expect it to work? That this meeting will be really beneficial?»

— Volmeryn: «I don't know Lyara. But one thing is certain: we have no time to lose. If it plays its role correctly, we can strengthen our power. If not... We will do the right thing.»

Lyara (smiled):« You can't help but think of all the possibilities, can you?»

— Volmeryn: «It's in my nature to think about every path. But in the end, everything will depend on the match. And the role she chooses to play.»