In the Heart of the Unknown

The journey to Glaeryn Valley was silent, each member of Volmeryn's entourage was immersed in their own reflections. Lyara, Darius, Carlos and Trôk all kept a watchful eye as they watched the landscapes that passed around them while remaining on their guard.

The valley offered a spectacular view. Waterfalls flowed into crystal clear lakes and the rock walls were full of mystery. It was a neutral place that was far from the worried gaze of the surrounding kingdoms.

Lyara slowly approached Volmeryn who was standing on a promontory.

«Do you expect she to arrive within an hour?»

—Volmeryn: «Let her show herself. A princess of stature like Eryndra is not content to come to the roll call without providing a certain ceremony. What matters is that she keeps what she promised.»

— Carlos: «This courtesy game... It's almost... boring. Dragons do not conduct such negotiations. Why not just grab what it has to offer and go?»

Darius intervened in turn.

«You're forgetting one thing, Carlos. Volmeryn is not like us. He never acts without calculation. You have to understand the enemy, feel his intentions before acting. And that's much more effective than just crushing indiscriminately.»

Lyara smiled and turned to Trôk who was more interested in the plants and animals that inhabited the valley than in the situation itself.

«Trôk do you have anything to add to this conversation? Don't you want to join the exchange on diplomacy and strategy?»

— Trôk: «Diplomacy, strategy... It's just words. I prefer to observe and if necessary strike hard when the time comes. It's the best strategy to adopt in this kind of situation.»

The group stopped the discussion when footsteps were heard. Volmeryn turned looking at a figure emerging from the mountains.

Eryndra appeared surrounded by a handful of elite guards and advisors. She walked forward dressed in light armor that showed the beauty of her body and then stopped at a respectful distance from Volmeryn.

—« Lord Volmeryn Vorthyx. You have responded to my call. I hope that this does not mean that you have come for the sole purpose of imposing your will.»

—Volmeryn: «I have responded to your call to see if you are worthy of the alliance you propose. We will soon see if your actions confirm your words.»

She was waving at one of her advisors, a tall, imposing man with a dangerous aura.

«This is Aelion, my chief strategist. We have prepared this ground to be a fair meeting ground. Everything is in place for you to see that my intentions are serious.»

Volmeryn without showing any emotion looked at the councillor. Aelion was a towering man, he was two meters tall just like Volmeryn but he wasn't a dragon. He didn't have that divine majesty that Volmeryn could feel in every fiber of his being.

Aelion stood slightly back with his eyes observing the contours of the valley. He never seemed to be in a hurry, he was cold and analytical.

He has long black hair and is neatly tied back but it was his expression that was most striking. He seemed to be a man who calculated probabilities and results at every moment.

At his side, Eryndra turned to him seeking silent approval. Aelion only tilted his head slightly and then whispered to himself:

« The ground is favorable but their intentions are still unclear. We have to anticipate every move. »

Unlike Eryndra, who used to trust her instincts, Aelion weighed every decision with the rigor of a general on campaign. He was not satisfied with the appearance of reality but sought to understand what was hidden beneath the surface.

Aelion glanced furtively at Trôk who was oblivious to the tension that was unfolding around him. The strategist couldn't help but wonder if the goblin really understood the magnitude of what was about to happen.

Trok on the other hand, turned his head towards Aelion as if he felt her gaze on him but he didn't exchange any words.

Aelion::«This goblin has no idea what's in store for him, I feel like he's fighting with the intensity of an animal but he's overconfident.» he whispered to Eryndra

Eryndra: «We need this kind of man in battle. Calculations don't solve everything, sometimes you have to know how to hit fast and hard.»

Aelion pointed to the challenge implicit in his response: «It's precisely this kind of strength that makes us lose battles before they even start.»

Trok(smiled): «You're both too smart to understand what's simple.» He put a hand on his sword and stared at them.

"Very well," Said Volmeryn taking a last look at his surroundings. «Lyara, Darius, Carlos, Trok... Prepare. It will not be a simple meeting. If Eryndra's intentions are honest then this will become a major turning point for Cælora. Otherwise... We will act accordingly.»

The group dispersed slowly. Everyone took their strategic positions while Eryndra closed in on Volmeryn. They were now standing face to face.

— Eryndra: «The fate of our two kingdoms begins here, Volmeryn. Not with weapons but with choices. I offer you the opportunity to change the destiny of this world. Do you accept my proposal?»

Volmeryn answered calmly.

—«The fate of Cælora belongs to me alone. But I'm going to give you the chance to prove that your vision is worth following. It's the only choice you left.»

Clouds were clearing over the Glaeryn Valley as the two leaders faced each other. Around them, the members of the two parties took their places, all attentive to the conversation that was to follow.

Volmeryn stood motionless, her eyes fixed on Eryndra. At his side, his soldiers were ready to react to any sign of betrayal. Eryndra, meanwhile was unfazed by Volmeryn's heavy presence.

She was ready for the exchange.

—Volmeryn: «You ask me to entrust the future of Cælora to your hands but I do not make an alliance without making sure of the value of the person with whom I am allying. You are not just a general or ruler, Eryndra. You are a warrior. And I respect that. But battles are not always won on the battlefield. They are earned in the vision, in the spirit, in the choices we make.»

Eryndra: «And you think you have that vision? You, the dragon who seeks to unite kingdoms without his allies even knowing where he is leading. You, who rule by force and intimidation.»

Volmeryn had a gleam of amusement in his eyes. He knew that his words had disturbed Eryndra. She was a strategist and a leader but also a woman of principle. She wouldn't accept anything without a justification and that was precisely what he wanted.

— Volmeryn: « I do not rule by force, Eryndra. It is through certainty that my kingdom must be unified. Unified under a single banner, without compromises, without deviations and for that we need control of your kingdom. This is my vision and I will do whatever is necessary to see it realized. But it's also where you have to choose. »

He paused for a moment before continuing:

«It's not just a question of power. It's a question of destiny. Do you believe that you can guide this world to peace or are you willing to sacrifice all of this for an endless war?»