Eryndra knew Volmeryn or at least, she had heard of him. He was a cunning and strategic dragon, with goals that were not limited to simply conquest. He believed in the unity of Cælora but his vision was uncompromising.
— Eryndra: «You ask me to follow you blindly by giving you access to my kingdom. But I'm not a person who will follow without questioning. If we are to create an alliance, it will take more than promises and words. Proof will be needed. Proof that you are who you say you are and not just a tyrant in search of power.»
Volmeryn knew that Eryndra would not be an easy ally. But this challenge in his eyes strengthened his resolve.
"Very well," he said. «Proof, you will have it. We will see if you are able to understand what I offer you. If you are willing to sacrifice everything you have for the greater good then you will be an ally of choice. If you refuse... Well, Faerenth will only have its own destiny to choose from.»
Eryndra thought for a moment, before turning to one of her advisors. Aelion, her chief strategist let out a slight sigh but she waved at him to indicate that she had everything in hand.
Around Volmeryn and Eryndra, members of both parties were in nervous expectation. Lyara with her arms crossed did not take her eyes off Eryndra. Beside her, Darius analyzed every word of the conversation clutching the hilt of his sword ready to react to any hostility.
On the other side, Trôk, usually the most relaxed of the group, was tapping his sword with his fingers. Carlos on the other hand was watching more in the shadows.
Eryndra remained calm but it could be seen that she was not going to be convinced so easily. Even his smile was a mask that hid the storm of thoughts in his head.
A drop of sweat beaded on Eryndra's forehead. Volmeryn had played her last card, a masterful move that put her on the defensive. Her hands were still folded in front of her but inside, she felt helpless.
To accept this alliance with the terms they discussed would be to accept Volmeryn's power over Faerenth. And yet... Maybe that's what is needed, one more sacrifice...
She took one last look at Aelion who silently begged her not to be intimidated. But her gaze also fell on Lyara who looked at her with skepticism. She knew that Lyara was waiting for a fair decision but also a strong one.
Eryndra: «Maybe you can never really know what's right. What if this road was the one that would save Faerenth even at a high price?»
She turned her eyes to Volmeryn again. He was always there. She could reject him, refuse his offer to have control over Faerenth but deep down, she knew that if Faerenth did not seize this chance then the war would continue interminably and endlessly.
After a few long seconds, Eryndra finally made a resolution.
«Very well, Volmeryn, I will follow you. But don't forget one thing: my conditions are clear. You will show me your vision through your actions. I'm not a pawn on a chessboard. If I join you, it is to guide Faerenth towards peace... but also to make sure that this path is truly the path of good, and not of destruction.»
Volmeryn finally satisfied had what he wanted. He knew that Eryndra possessed a strength that few could match. She was not an ally who could be easily manipulated but it was precisely this kind of individual he was looking for.
— «We will march together. But remember, Eryndra, peace is never easy to achieve. It is forged through sacrifices, invisible battles that only the most determined can fight. Faerenth, this realm, is now our common heritage. And we will make sure that he survives everything even betrayal and war.»
The two would stare at each other for a moment and a connection would be created between them. Volmeryn knew that this was just the beginning of a long road full of pitfalls.
His companions observed the scene, each in his own thoughts. They knew that the future of Cælora would also depend on this fragile but powerful alliance.
Eryndra then approached Volmeryn, holding out an elegant hand.
«Then let's start this journey together, Volmeryn. May our two kingdoms guide us in this adventure.»
Volmeryn after a moment of hesitation grabbed his hand as he sealed their pact.
«May the kingdom of Cælora and Faerenth live and prosper together under our protection.»
After the exchange of promises and challenges, the weight of the agreement was already being felt. The Dragon King and the leader had parted ways to think about their next moves.
The time for negotiations had never been more crucial. The laughter and murmurs of Volmeryn's entourage echoed through the valley. Lyara and Darius were walking around together discussing the latest events while Trôk and Carlos stood aside.
Volmeryn: «What we signed with Eryndra is a fragile promise. But a promise all the same. We have the strength. But to keep this alliance intact, we must act quickly, and above all not let ourselves be carried away by the slowness of hesitation.»
Lyara, who had her eyes on the horizon, spoke:
«Eryndra is not just an ally that can be manipulated at will. It wins wars on the ground of the mind, not just with brute force.»
She then turned her face to Volmeryn.
«We have to understand his way of thinking, play by his rules while shaping our own. It's a subtle dance. If we are not ready to dance with her, we risk finding ourselves at the mercy of her movements.»
—Darius: "We must also prepare for opposition. Other kingdoms will react to this alliance. They will not so easily accept that two powers like you and Eryndra come together. The unification of Cælora could destabilise the fragile balance of the region."
— Trôk: «Well, I guess we're going to need more power to deal with these threats. Maybe a little demonstration of what we can do together before the enemy makes his first move. I'm sure Carlos would be more than happy to put on a show.»
—Carlos: «If that's what you want, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. But let's not forget that brute force is not always enough. It will also take strategy and subtlety. You know what you dragons do so well.»
Volmeryn laughed softly. He appreciated Carlos' humor although the demon was still a little too sarcastic for his liking.
Volmeryn: «We will need all this and more. The alliance with Eryndra will not be the only difficulty. Every move we make from now on will be closely scrutinized. And if we fail if the alliance shows signs of weakness, we will lose everything.»
As the discussions continued, Eryndra arrived again. She walked accompanied by her advisers who took notes and exchanged murmurs among themselves.
Volmeryn greeted her with a gesture, and everyone took their positions to greet her.
«Eryndra, I see you're ready to discuss what to do next,»
—Eryndra: «We need to prioritize, Volmeryn. It is clear that the unification of Cælora and Faerenth will require resources, armies, and above all difficult decisions. You trusted me with this alliance but know that I am not an easy person to manipulate. You and I have a different vision but our goal remains the same: the survival of Cælora and Faerenth.»
Volmeryn bowed his head, respecting his position.
«It's not a question of manipulation, Eryndra. It's a question of power and control. We must fight this war together or it will engulf us all. We must impose our authority, not only by force but also by strategy.»
— Lyara: «That's exactly what we need to understand. The enemy is not simply an external force. There are also internal factions, local lords, opposition groups. This is what makes unification truly complex. We must first win people's hearts before we subdue them.»
Carlos: «The conquest is easy. The aftermath is a different story. The neighboring kingdoms will not be seduced by the mere strength of our armies. If we want them to join their cause to ours, we will have to know how to handle diplomacy as well as swords.»
— Volmeryn: «Then let's see what we can accomplish together, Eryndra. It won't be easy but it seems that we all have a common interest in this matter.»
As soon as he spoke his words, shards of light emerged from the ranks of Eryndra's advisors. A messenger dressed in blue approached hurriedly holding an unfolded card.
"Your Majesty," he said, «the rebels from the south have regrouped and are heading for the borders. They are preparing an offensive as early as next week.»
Eryndra's face instantly hardened and then she turned to Volmeryn.
«The time for discussion is over. We need to take concrete action.»
With a gesture, Volmeryn ordered squads to leave immediately to secure the mountain passes.
Volmeryn smiled because he felt the first real spark of unity between them.
Allies would then gather around the table, ready to exchange strategies and make important decisions. The atmosphere gradually became more collaborative.
The unification of Cælora and Faerenth was a major goal, but with Volmeryn's head and Eryndra's hand this challenge was now within their grasp. However, the dangers were not far away, and the road to peace would be paved with obstacles.
But at least for now, they were united in their common goal.