Luca, a 21-year-old from a struggling neighborhood, feels crushed by the weight of his family’s financial struggles. Bills are piling up, food is scarce, and his younger siblings, Leo and Maria, face uncertain futures with school fees overdue. His mother fights tirelessly to hold the household together, but their situation seems hopeless. Frustrated and desperate to provide for his family, Luca feels trapped in a cycle of poverty with no way out—until a chance encounter offers him an opportunity he can’t ignore.
Through Carlo, a middleman for Don Vito, the head of a powerful mafia family, Luca is drawn into the city’s underworld. Despite his nerves, he accepts the offer, motivated by the promise of quick money to ease his family’s burdens. Don Vito, skeptical of Luca’s inexperience, assigns him low-risk tasks such as delivering packages, collecting debts, and gathering information. These jobs, though seemingly minor, give Luca a foothold in the mafia while introducing him to the dangers of his new life. During one of his runs, he crosses paths with Sofia, the captivating daughter of a rival mafia boss. Drawn to her intelligence and beauty, Luca finds an unexpected connection, complicating his growing entanglement in the criminal world.