Chapter 70

 Ivonne's POV

"What's in there?" Tobias implored after minutes of driving in silence.

I shifted my gaze from the phone in my palm and to his form in the driver's seat, clad in a versace white t-shirt and well ironed blue slacks, his black hair with hints of gray in them pushed back by the shades he had planted on his forehead.

"There," He indicated with a tilt of his head to the mirror in front of us.

"Where?" I interrogated, a frown of confusion appearing on my facial features as I gawked at the reflective glass, not getting his point or catching sight of what he was referring to.

"Let me make it easier for you," he exhaled and shook his head from left to write in exasperation, a small smile hanging on the side of his lips.

"Oh please do," I suggested, placing the phone on my lap and firing him a glare to which he ignored as his smile grew. "Stop laughing at me while at it."